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16,651 Participants Take the UTBK SBMPTN at UNSOED

[, Tues, 17/05/22] In order to implement the Computer-Based Written Examination - Joint Selection for State Universities ( UTBK-SBMPTN) in 2022, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED) as the UTBK-351 Center will host 16,651 exam participants. The exams are in batches, May 17 to 23 for Batch I and May 28 to June 3 for Batch II. This was stated by the Public Relations of the UNSOED New Student Admission Selection, Dr. Vishnu Widjanarko.

In this regard, UNSOED has prepared 8 servers and 17 rooms located in 8 (eight) test locations, namely the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Economics and Business, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Research Laboratory and Agricultural Technology Laboratory. Especially for this year's implementation, there are 5 (five) participants with disabilities.

There are three test groups held at the UNSOED UTBK-351 Center, namely the Science and Technology (Saintek), Social and Humanities (Soshum) and Mixed groups. The materials tested for the Science and Technology group are the Scholastic Potential Test, English and the Scientific Academic Competency Test.

For the Soshum group, the materials tested were the Scholastic Potential Test, English and the Soshum Academic Competency Test. As for the mixed group, the Scholastic Potential Test, English and Science Academic Competency Test and Soshum Academic Competency Test. For the scientific and social science groups, the exam sessions are held in the morning (06.45 to 10.30 WIB) and in the afternoon (13.00 to 16.45 WIB) while for the mixed group it is in the morning (06.45 to 13.25 WIB) .

In addition, specifically for the implementation of Friday, the afternoon session starts at 13.15 to 17.00 WIB which were only for the scientific and social science examination group. Each session will facilitate 620 examinees. "In order to support the smooth implementation of the exam, 56 Location Responsible Persons (PJL), 7 PJL Representatives and 364 room supervisors have been prepared," said Dr. Vishnu.

It was added that the test takers were required to bring the following documents: 1) UTBK 2022 Participant Identity Card; 2) Photocopies of diplomas that have been legalized for graduates of 2020 and 2021. As for the Class of 2022 in the form of a Class 12 Certificate / Graduation Certificate signed by the Principal and containing the Student's Name, Student NISN, School NPSN and the latest colored photo; 3) Identity in the form of KTP/SIM/Student Card. While at the test location, participants are required to wear masks and be in good health.

Acting Chancellor UNSOED Prof. Dr. Ir Akhmad Sodiq M.Sc.,Agr reviewed the implementation of the UTBK on the first day to ensure that all were well served, and ensured the implementation of health protocols in this time UTBK. In general, the UTBK on the first day went smoothly and there were no significant problems.
