As a support for implementing its activities, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman is supported by the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT), i.e. UPT Perpustakaan (Unsoed library), UPT Bahasa (Unsoed language training center), UPT Kearsipan (Unsoed Archives Center), and UPT Layanan Internasional (Unsoed International Services). In carrying out his duties, the Head of the UPT is responsible to the Rector. Each of the head of technical implementing unit is responsible to Rector.
UPT Perpustakaan (Unsoed library) is a technical implementation unit at UNSOED which is responsible for providing library services. There are also services provided include
- Circulation Services, with information retrieval using OPAC. Information searching is carried out using keywords, either by using the author's name, title, publisher, classification number, or subject.
- Reference Services, KKI, KKM (Thesis, Thesis, Dissertation)
- Magazine Services and Periodicals Collection
- CD-ROM service, from the collections of AGRICOLA, TEAL, Plan Pathology, Korean History and others
- Internet services
- Member Services for Cooperation Between Libraries (FKP2T)
Gray Literature (e-Doc) Electronic Document Service. Full Text Digital Research Services.
Jl. Prof. Dr. H.R. Boenyamin No.708 Grendeng
Purwokerto 53122
Telp./Faks : (0281) 635292 Ext. 218, 228, 229 - (0281) 630845
UPT Bahasa is a technical implementation unit at UNSOED that carries out capacity building and language proficiency testing services. The types of services provided are
- Organizing English, Japanese, and Mandarin language tests
- Organizing English, Japanese, and Mandarin language training activities
- Providing translation services for English, Japanese and Mandarin
The UPT Language Service of Universitas Jenderal Soedirman can be accessed via
Jl. Kampung Gg. Lapangan Grendeng
Purwokerto 53122
Telp. : (0281) 626322
UPT Kearsipan (Unsoed Archives Center) is a technical implementation unit at Universitas Jenderal Soedirman in charge of managing archives. Visit id for more information.
Jl. Dr. Soedparno Karangwangkal
Purwokerto 53122
Telp./Faks :
UPT Layanan Internasional (Unsoed International Services) is in charge of international cooperation facilitation, student services, educators, and foreign education personnel as well as international promotion of universities.
Visit to get complete information on the international services of Universitas Jenderal Soedirman.
Jl. Prof. Dr. H.R. Boenyamin No. 708
Purwokerto 53122
Telp./Faks : (0281) 635292 Ext. 156