Agrotechnology Student Does MBKM Internship at the Bioindustry Technology Center
[, Mon, 07/03/22] Internship is one of the most popular forms of Learning Activities (BKP) for the Independent Learning Campus (MBKM) Program students of the Department / Study Program of Agrotechnology Faculty of Agriculture Unsoed. Several Agrotechnology students in this semester had the opportunity to do internships in various places, one of which is the Center for Bioindustrial Technology, the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) or formerly known as BPPT (Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology) located in Serpong, Banten Province.
It was Irwandhi (Agrotechnology student batch 2019) who managed to get an internship opportunity for one semester (six months) at one of the leading research institutions in Indonesia. Irwandhi passed a rigorous selection to be able to feel the research atmosphere at the research institute that diligently publishes innovations on a national scale. The research topics that would be given to Irwandhi during his internship at the BRIN Center for Bioindustrial Technology are (1). Optimizing potential bacterial candidates for biological organic fertilizers (POH), (2). Optimizing to get the coating that will be used to coat urea, (3). Carrying out the production process of bio-urea (urea coated with a matrix containing potential POH bacteria, and 4) Conducting experimental designs for bio-urea applications in cultivated plants.
To support the smooth running of student internships at BRIN, the MBKM commission for the Agrotechnology Study Program facilitates perception and communication activities between students involved in internships and lecturers whose courses are equivalent to internships and BRIN. The activities were carried out online through Gmeet on Friday, March 4, 2022, from 14.00 to 15.00 WIB.
Representatives from the Agrotechnology Department / Study Program who were present in the meeting were Prof. Dr. Ir. Sakhidin, MP (Chairman of the Agrotechnology Department), Dr. Ir. Rostaman, M.Sc. and Dr. Ir. Nur Prihatiningsih, MS (representative of the Plant Health Management course), Ir. Nurtiati (representative of the Plant Clinic course), Ir. Supartoto, M.Agr., Ir. Tarjoko, M.Sc., and Risqa Naila Khusna Syarifah, SP, MP (deputy lecturer in Plant Vegetative Propagation course), Dr. Ruth Feti R, SP, MP (representative of Plant Quarantine course), Ir. Wiyantono, M.Si. and Okti Herliana, SP, MP (representative of Hydroponics and Greenhouse Practicum courses), Ida Widiyawati, SP, M.Sc. (representative of the Environmentally Friendly Fertilizer and Pesticide Technology course), Sapto Nugroho Hadi, S.Si., M.Biotech. and Ratri Noorhidayah, SP, M.Sc. (MBKM Agrotechnology Commission). Meanwhile, representatives from BRIN were Dr. Silva Abraham, S. Si. M. Si. who also serves as a field supervisor.
In equalizing this perception, the Agrotechnology Department/Study Program strongly supports MBKM student activities, especially in leading research institutions in Indonesia. The MBKM internship is expected to be an activity that will strengthen academic abilities and expand students' work experience in institutions that have a strong research and innovation atmosphere. This activity is expected to be the first step for students to become superior and competitive graduates in the global era.
The Department/Agrotechnology Study Program also expressed its gratitude to BRIN for providing the opportunity for Faculty of Agriculture UNSOED students to do MBKM internships there. The Agrotechnology Department/Study Program and the entire academic community will support the smooth running of each student’s MBKM activity. (snh)