Application of Data Science & AI for Smart City and
[, Wed, 01/06/22]Located in the Auditorium of the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (FT UNSOED), Tuesday, May 31, 2022 the Lecture will take place in General Department of Informatics, Faculty of Engineering UNSOED. The public lecture presented two main speakers, namely Dr. Hamdani, ST., M.Cs., IPM, and Dr. Nurul Hidayat, S.Pt., M.Kom. The moderator for this public lecture is Dr. Lasmedi Afuan, ST, M.Cs. This Public Lecture is a form of education for students, especially the UNSOED Informatics Department regarding the application of Data Science & AI for Smart City and Technopreneurship.
In his presentation, Dr. Hamdani explained the importance of implementing AI for Smart City, where the application is supported by the integration of the Internet of Things (IoT) in all lines of people's lives. "The Trend of Society 5.0 in Indonesia, the majority of Indonesian people are quite active as users on the internet. This can support the realization of Society 5.0 for Smart City", explained Dr. Hamdani. He added, to implement the Smart City concept in Indonesia, it is necessary to develop a Smart City ecosystem consisting of Smart Government, Smart Citizen and Smart Industry that can collaborate to realize Smart City.
Meanwhile Dr. Nurul Hidayat, S.Pt., M.Kom discusses Technopreneur Competencies and Skills. Technopreneurship is an entrepreneur who is engaged in technology, not only entrepreneurial skills, they must also have knowledge of technology. If dissected more deeply, this term was born from two words, technology and entrepreneurship. Dr. Nurul Hidayat or commonly known as Dr. ENHA stated that honing Technopreneurship skills is important in today's all-technology era.
He also added that 9 out of 10 doors of sustenance are from commerce. He fueled the enthusiasm of the students of the Department of Informatics at Universitas Jenderal Sudirman to develop entrepreneurial skills. "The main capital to become an entrepreneur is knowledge, skills and attitude," added Dr. ENHA. The speaker presented 5 Soft Skills that a Technopreneur Must Have, Analytical Thinking, Correct Problem Solving, Communication Skills, Negotiation Skills and Time Management. “An example of technopreneurship is a business that can survive until now and continues to grow. Here are some successful technopreneur figures; Nadiem Makarim, Bill Gates and Elon Musk," he concluded.