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BIKOHUMA FH UNSOED Achieves Two Achievements at Once

[, Mon, 18/07/22] The Student Legal Aid and Consultation Bureau (BIKOHUMA) Faculty of Law UNSOED won two achievements at once in two different competitions. The events are the National Level Mediation Competition organized by the Faculty of Law, Tarumanagara University in collaboration with the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia and the National Level Indictment Writing Competition organized by the ALSA Local Chapter of Universitas Brawijaya.

The BIKOHUMA Mediation Team Delegation consisted of Shane Evelina, Diah Ayu Ma'rifatul Jannah, Sekar Melati Widyaningtyas, Jovialba Arkan, Putri Millenia Raharjanti, and Amanda Cahaya Pramudita. The team won 2nd place, after going through a series of stages from File Selection, Preliminary Round and Final Round, by directly practicing mediation simulations with Insurance and Leasing cases.

Shane Evelina said that this competition was held on March 15-May 22, 2022 and was conducted online through Virtual Meetings at the campuses of each delegation. "This is the third time that the Student Legal Aid and Consultation Bureau (BIKOHUMA) FH UNSOED has become a participant and won the competition," she said. "On behalf of the team, I really appreciate and thank all those who have supported, guided and facilitated us for this achievement," continued Diah Ma'rifatul Jannah.

On the other hand the Team BIKOHUMA has also won 3rd Place in the National Level Indictment Writing Competition organized by ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Brawijaya 18 June 2022. The team consisted of Jovialba Arkan, Ni'matul Azizah and Wini Safitri has made an indictment in the case of Soybean Export Corruption

With these two achievements at the national level, according to Drs. Antonius Sidik Maryono, SH., MS as the Head of the Legal Aid and Consultation Bureau of Unsoed, student participation in the national level competition is a manifestation of Merdeka Learning – Merdeka Campus (MBKM) which analyze cases that exist in the community as well as solve it directly with practice.
