Collaboration between Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and Unsoed in Technical Assistance
[, Fri, 26/01/24] The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources in collaboration with Unievrsitas Jenderal Soedirman (Unsoed) organized the first technical assistance for the implementation of energy management in government buildings. The event, which took place in the Meeting Room at the 3rd floor of the Rectorate Building, on Thursday, January 25, 2024, from 9:00 to 16:00, was attended by the rector, vice rectors, deans and leaders of Unsoed institutions, IREEM (Institute for Natural Resources, Energy, and Environmental Management), and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.
This Technical Assistance activity is a collaboration between the Government of Indonesia and the Government of Great Britain & Northern Ireland through the UK-PACT (United Kingdom - Partnering for Accelerated Climate Transition) Program - MENTARI Energy Efficiency. The MENTARI Energy Efficiency program aims to support the achievement of Indonesia's greenhouse gas emission reduction targets in the energy efficiency subsector. IREEM is the implementer of the program with a focus on implementing energy management in government buildings.
The Director of Energy at the Directorate General of EBTKE of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Gigih Udi Atmo in his remarks through zoom explained the objectives of the activity and the scope of cooperation that could be explored. "The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources intends to collaborate with Unsoed regarding internships for students and certification of energy auditors and energy managers," said Gigih.
Rector of Unsoed Prof. Dr. Ir. Akhmad Sodiq, M.Sc. IPU, ASEAN Eng. welcomed the intention of Gigih Udi Utomo. "Regarding the implementation of PP 33 in 2023, all new buildings in Unsoed have used solar cell technology as a form of the university's commitment to energy conservation, but Unsoed does not only conserve but also explores new energy sources such as biogas, wind and water although still on a small scale. Regarding the internship program, we really welcome the initiation of this cooperation and we have 12 faculties that can participate in this program," explained the rector.
The first technical assistance program will originally be carried out in two days, where the second day of assistance will be held on Friday, January 26, 2024 at the Faculty of Engineering in Purbalingga. Furthermore, the activity will be followed by the second to fourth technical assistance until it is ready to implement an energy management system in a sustainable manner.