Development of Tourism Human Resources Strengthening by the Unsoed Smart Village Supporting PKM Team
[, Mon, 27/11/23] The Unsoed Smart Village Supporting PKM Team in Panembangan Village is chaired by Dr. Siti Kunarti S.H., M.Hum. and team consists of Prof. Dr.Sri Lestari, S.E.M.Si, Christina Tri Setyorini, S.E., M.Si.Ak, C.A. Ph.D, and Ipung Permadi S.Si. M.Cs. This team conducted training to strengthen Tourism Human Resources in Panembangan Village.
This activity was carried out for two consecutive days, started on Saturday, November 25, 2023 in the form of homestay management training exploring both theory and practice. Homestay management training was carried out by two resource persons, namely Rini Endah Pribadi, S.M. Par who works as General Manager of Green Valley Resort Baturraden Central Java and Slamet Sulistiyono who works as Executive Housekeeper of Java Heritage Hotel Purwokerto.
Rini Endah Pribadi, S.M Par provided material on homestay management theory while Slamet Sulistiyono provided training on homestay arrangement practices. This training was attended by 10 Panembangan people who have implemented and plan to run a homestay business.
On the second day, Sunday, November 26, 2023, training was held on Sapto Pesona, Community Empowerment and Technical Guiding. This training was given by the resource person Tri Agustiningsih, Amd. Par who served as Head of the Training Bureau of the DPD Association of Indonesian Guides (HPI) Central Java. The training was attended by 40 people consisting of 20 representatives from 10 tourism working groups in Panembangan Village, and 20 people from Karangtaruna, Pokdarwis and Panembangan Village Officials.
Mrs. Evi Nur Chayati, one of the homestay owners who had the opportunity to attend both training, said that the two-day training was very interesting and useful because it was delivered by very competent speakers.
Prof. Sri Lestari said that Panembangan Village has great potential to become a Tourism Village. In 2022 the Marine and Fisheries Research and Human Resources Agency (BRSDM-KP) created the SMART Fisheries Village (SFV) program, which is a concept of fisheries village development based on the application of communication information technology and sustainable appropriate management to improve the economy of rural communities.
Panembangan Village is the only village that is used as a pilot project for the Village-based SFV program. The SFV concept is also used as a means of developing human resources both in terms of education, training and counseling as well as a means of business incubation to create startups in the fisheries sector.
Seeing the many tourism potentials in the village, the government and community of Panembangan Village want to turn Panembangan Village into a Tourism Village. Minapadi tourism, river-tubing, and cultural tourism are already available in the village. The village has 16 business groups that are ready to support the development of the Tourism Village. The agriculture and fisheries sectors are the livelihoods of most Panembangan people. There are 132 hectares of paddy fields in Panembangan Village and 30 hectares of land for fisheries (25 hectares of rice cultivation and 5 hectares of pond cultivation). In addition to paddy fields, fish farmers in Panembangan Village also use ponds with a total of 514 units.
The Fish Cultivation Group (POKDAKAN) is one of the leading groups in Panembangan Village that produces superior commodities, namely consumption fish and ornamental fish. There are five fish farming groups in Panembangan Village, namely Mina Mandiri, Ulam Sari, Talang Mas, Randualas, and Langgas. Some of the fish cultivated by the five pokdakans have the same commodities, including catfish, tilapia, pomfret, carp, and koi. In addition, there are also 5 pokdakans that have a type of Mina Padi business, namely Kridosono, Mina Prayadita, Mina Irbi, Sukan makmur and Mina Sayudan.
In addition to Fish Cultivators (POKDAKAN), Panembangan Village also has 3 Fish Processing and Marketing Groups (POKLAHSAR) which task are processing and marketing fish cultivation products in processed form, including Abon Lele, Sambal Nila, Baby Fish Crackers, Catfish Skin Crackers, Serundeng Nila, Pepes Nila, Rempeyek Nila, Abon Nila, Fried Nila Crackers, risoles. Poklahsar in Panembangan Village are Ummi Mandiri, Berkah mji and Bunda Madani.
Besides the 5 Pokdakan and 3 Poklahsar, Panembangan Village also has an ornamental fish group, fish cooperative, fish market group, BUMDES, Maggot cultivation group, alternative feed procurement group and Tubin tourism business group. Panembangan Village Head Untung Sanyoto, S.Pd really hopes for the help of various parties, especially the academic community of Jenderal Soedirman University to make Panembangan Village an independent, advanced and prosperous village.