Dissertation Open Exam of Agricultural Sciences Doctoral Candidate
[unsoed.ac.id, Fri, 27/05/22] Located in the Postgraduate Room, Wednesday (25/5) an open examination for the promotion of the Doctor of Agricultural Sciences was held by the Dean of the UNSOED Faculty of Agriculture, Dr. Ir. Anisur Rosyad, MS. On that occasion, Etik Wukir Tini, SP, MP as promovenda who is a lecturer in Agrotechnology with an interest in Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, UNSOED, has successfully defended his dissertation with the title "Identification of Natural Growth Regulatory Substances (ZPT) that Causes Hair Loss and Study of PGR Giving on Physiology and Quality of Semarang Guava (Syzygium samarangense 'Citra')”.
The open exam was attended by the promoters of Prof. Ir. Totok Agung DH, MP, Ph.D., Prof. Ir. Sakhidin, MP, Dr. Ir. Saparso, MP, as well as the examiners who attended both online and offline. The examiners who reviewed and tested the dissertation came from within and outside the UNSOED Faculty of Agriculture, including Prof. Dr. Rifda Naufalin, SP, M.Sc. (Faperta UNSOED), Prof. Ir. Arifin Noor Sugiharto, M.Sc. Ph.D. (Faperta Universitas Brawijaya), Dr. Pudji Widodo, M.Sc. (Fabio UNSOED), Ir. Kharisun, Ph.D (Faperta UNSOED), Dr. Erminawati, M.Sc., Ph.D. (Faperta UNSOED), and Sugiyono, S.Si., Ph.D. (Fabio UNSOED).
From the dissertation, several novelties were found, including: 1) The material used in the study was guava Citra (Syzygium samarangense 'Citra'), 2) Identification of PGR content causing flower and fruit loss of guava Citra, 3) Application of natural PGR from extracts from tubers shallots, Moringa leaves, banana weevil, sweet corn seeds and mung bean sprouts on guava Citra flowers and fruit, 4) Physiology of Citra guava plants with ZPT application from extracts from onion bulbs, Moringa leaves, banana weevil, extracts, and bean sprouts green, 5) Physical and chemical properties of guava fruit with PGR application from extracts, and mung bean sprouts, 6) Path analysis influence of PGR, physiology, environment, on the rate of loss of guava Citra, 7) Path analysis diagram (Path analysis) the effect of PGR, physico-chemical properties of the fruit on the weight of the Citra guava fruit.
Some of the results of the dissertation research have been published in the International Journal of Advances in Horticultural Science 35 (1) pages 53-60 with the title"Endogenous Hormone Causes Flower and Fruit Drop of Wax Apple (Syzigium samarangensecv. Citra) and in review in several accredited national journals.