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FEB UNSOED Students Achieve International Achievements ICEBIV 2022

[, Wed, 10/08/22] Three students of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Unsoed managed to achieve achievements in international competitions ``International Competition Entrepreneurship Business Innovation (ICEBIV) 2022" held online by Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Malaysia. The Readyssert team from GI FEB Unsoed representing FEB Unsoed consisting of Malvin Imantaka Abidin (International Management 2021), Niken Ayu Prameswari (International Management 2021), and Wafiqah Az Zahra (International Management 2018) received a bronze medal in the competition.

The International Competition will be held in July 2022 through 3 stages of online assessment. This team created Readyssert which is a startup application business idea selling bread and cakes from various hotels in Purwokerto that are not sold, but are still of very high quality, thereby reducing the impact of waste disposal from the tourism sector, namely hotels. The team was inspired by the many types of waste that was thrown away, one of which was garbage from bread and cakes that were still of good quality but because the bread and cakes were not sold, the hotel would throw the food products away. The readyssert team strives to create an idea to minimize the wasted food into waste.

Dr. Rio Dhani Laksana, M.Sc, CFP., as the team builder and also the Head of the FEB Unsoed Investment Gallery said that this team had quite a proud achievement, especially because this competition is an international competition, where this team defeated hundreds of startup business ideas from various state campuses-other countries that are international in nature. "Hopefully in the future FEB Unsoed students can be more successful in various international competitions," he hoped.

While the Dean of FEB Unsoed Prof. Wiwiek Rabiatul Adawiyah, M.Sc., Ph.D hopes that with this achievement, in the future FEB Unsoed students will have more achievements and be successful in international competitions.

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