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FK UNSOED Delegation Achieves Achievements at the Regional Medical Olympiad 2021

[, Thu, 09/09/21] Another achievement presented by Universitas Jenderal Soedirman / Unsoed students. This time, the Regional Medical Olympiad (RMO) is a competition forum for medical students in Region 3 which includes the Solo, Purwokerto, Yogyakarta, Semarang, and Kalimantan regions. This activity was organized by the  Indonesian Medical Senate Student Association(ISMKI). RMO 2021 will be held online on Saturday-Sunday, 4-5 September 2021.

The Delegation of the Unsoed Faculty of Medicine (FK) at the RMO event from the digestive branch represented by Lingua Retno Gumilang and Delta Iswara, who were 2018 FK Unsoed students won 2nd place out of 17 Higher Education Institutions in region 3. As 1st place in the digestive branch, the delegation from Sebelas Maret University (UNS) and the 3rd place winner is a delegation from Gadjah Mada University (UGM).

In addition, the musculoskeletal branch, represented by R. Alif Kuncorojati, who is a 2018 FK Unsoed student and Faiq Muhammad Ammar from the 2019 batch, also won 3rd place out of 17 other higher education institutions. The 1st place winner in this branch is from Lambung Mangkurat University (UNLAM) and the 2nd winner is Diponegoro University (UNDIP).

Lingua Retno Gumilang said to face RMO, and continued with IMO (International Medical Olympiad), FK Unsoed students have designed a series of activities ranging from recruitment to mentoring with the Ganglion (Gathering Learner to be Champion) program. "This program was created by the Education and Professional Division of HMJ KBMK Unsoed", she said. Ganglion aims to gather students who are interested and willing to participate in the medical olympiad, then a guidance called pre-ganglion will be given. During the pre-ganglion the students will be guided by mentors from the previous year's RMO and IMO delegations. Pre-ganglion takes place from January to May 2021.

After the pre-ganglion, a ganglion selection test is held from students for each branch of the competition so that 2 students are obtained as delegates for each branch. There are 5 branches of the competition, namely cardiorespiratory, urogenital, musculoskeletal, neuropsychiatric, and digestive. The delegates who have been selected will undergo a post-ganglion program, where in this program they will be guided by doctors and specialists to finalize preparations. Guidance is carried out flexibly and according to the agreement between the delegation and the supervisor. "The FK Unsoed delegates in the RMO will later participate in the IMO which will be held in October 2021," she concluded.