Headmen Join Campus: DJPK Collaboration with FEB UNSOED
[unsoed.ac.id, Tue, 08/06/21] The headmen 'join' campus to increase knowledge and mastery of village funds and MSME’s optimization. This was possible due to the collaboration between the Directorate General of Fiscal Balance (DJPK), the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia and the Faculty of Economics and Business at Universitas Jenderal Sudirman (FEB UNSOED) carrying out “Training on Management and Utilization of Village Potential (Village Head Enters Campus)” on 7 June 2021. This event was held online through Zoom meeting and was attended by 80 Headmen from four regencies, namely Banyumas, Banjarnegara, Cilacap, and Purbalingga.
Director of Transfer Funds DJPK, Adriyanto, MM, MA, Ph. D conveyed in his speech about the general policy of village funds and the latest monitoring reports on village funds. Meanwhile, the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Jenderal Sudirman, Prof. Dr. Suliyanto, MM, explained briefly about the urgency of the village as a subject of national development. After the remarks and presentations from both of them, the event continued with the division of participants into two classes on Zoom: Class A and Class B.
Both classes get the same material, but the speakers are different. The material presented was regarding the Utilization and Optimization of Villages and Business Insights/MSMEs, the Feasibility of MSME Business on Village Products; and the 2021 Village Fund Management Policy. The speakers in both classes are all lecturers of FEB UNSOED. In class A, the speakers were Dr. Nur Choirul Afif, M. Si, Novita Puspasari, M. Sc, CA, and Pahrul Fauzi, M.Sc. In class B the speakers were Sofiatul Khotimah, M.Pd, Dian Purnomo Jati, M.Sc, and Arif Andri Wibowo, M.E.
After the presentation of the material, the headmen enthusiastically asked questions to the speakers and invited the campus to collaborate with the village. Several inputs related to technical village management were also submitted by headmen to DJPK so that they could be used as evaluation material in the future. At the end of the event, DJPK explained that this training event would continue to the mentoring stage. DJPK together with FEB UNSOED would select several villages to be accompanied after the event so as to create program sustainability. (NY)