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HI UNSOED Collaborates with the Banyumas Dinporabudpar in the MBKM Program

[, Tue, 13/04/21] In the Even Semester 2020/2021, the Department of International Relations (HI) FISIP Unsoed held the Independent Learning Campus Program (MBKM) which was attended by 6th semester students. HI collaborates with the Banyumas Regency Youth Sports and Culture Service (Dinporabudpar) as partners in implementing the program. The theme of the activity is “The Role of Students in Advancing Tourism Villages in Banyumas Regency”, which aims to realize Banyumas Tourism which is “Mbetahi and Ngangeni” (homy and comfortable).

In this activity, students conduct research in 5 (five) areas of Banyumas Regency to produce academic work (scientific writing), produce tour packages, make promotional media both visual and audio-visual, and create application content and social media for Dinporabudpar as a form of role and promote Banyumas tourism . Students will also assist several tourism village managers in writing tourism news and assisting Cleanliness, Health, Safety, and Environmental Sustainability (CHSE) so that tourism villages can achieve CHSE certification which can increase tourist visits and length of stay. In this case, 17 students will be accompanied by mentors from Dinporabudpar for each activity.

Located at the Commander-in-Chief General Soedirman Museum, an event was held to handover internship students majoring in International Relations (HI) to Dinporabudpar, Tuesday (06/4). Head of HI Department, Dr. Agus Haryanto, M.Si handed over an internship student and was accepted by the Head of Dinporabudpar, Drs. Asis Kusumandani, M.Hum. Also present were the Head of Tourism, Head of Human Resources, Head of Promotion and several staff from Dinporabudpar and several HI lecturers.

Push forward, never give up! (AD)