Industrial Engineering UNSOED Design and Build Entrepreneurial Creativity Development
[, Wed, 14/04/21] Responding to changes in the industrial world globally, students must be prepared not only in academic development, but they also need to get a portion of skill development in the entrepreneurial field, since the business world becomes an opportunity for students as a mental supply for entrepreneurship in the future. This was conveyed by Maria Krisnawati, ST., MT, Chairperson of the Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, UNSOED during a department meeting in Engineering Faculty building, Purbalingga. During the meeting which was held online and offline according to the health protocol on Wednesday (14/4/2021), they have formulated technical steps from the draft that had been designed.
Maria said that her party has prepared an entrepreneurial creativity program for prospective graduate students. This program is a necessity in answering the challenges in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. "This program provides a stimulus to motivate students to animate entrepreneurial character. It also encourages students not to depend on jobs and established business commodities, but prospective graduates can have skills and a business roadmap after graduating from their studies. "she explained.
The program coordinator, Indro Prakoso, ST., MT, explained that the technicality of this program is in the form of a competition for proposals for creative entrepreneurship programs designed by students. The assessment team will review the proposal with various criteria and considerations for the sustainability of the program. "The team will collect, correct and assess the proposals. The program is assessed by considering creativity, sustainability, and other developments which will be determined later by the team, "he explained.
Indro added that this program was also planned to provide entrepreneurship assistance. Assistance would be carried out periodically to ensure the progress of the business development being carried out. "The programs that pass assessment will receive assistance from supervisors. The program plan will start in April 2021 with an online initial selection, "he concluded.
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