LP3M Holds RTM as a Form of Quality Culture UNSOED
[unsoed.ac.id, Wed, 16/02/22] In an effort to ensure that the Internal Quality Assurance System at Unsoed has complied with the PPEPP (Establishment, Implementation, Evaluation, Control and Improvement of Higher Education Standards), LP3M Unsoed Quality Assurance Center held a Management Review Meeting (RTM), Wednesday (09/2). The event, which was led directly by the Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Ir Suwarto MS, took place at the Integrated Academic Building (IAB) Unsoed.
Through this RTM, it is hoped that it can identify strengths, weaknesses and what achievements are not in accordance with the targets that have been set, as well as providing recommendations in order to improve quality targets for the next period. Present at the RTM were the Vice Chancellors, the Deans and Deputy Deans for Academic Affairs, the heads of the Faculty's Quality Assurance Group and Auditor representatives. After the presentation, there was a discussion guided by the Chancellor's Expert Staff, Sugiyono, Ph.D.
On that occasion, it was announced that 4 (four) study programs received the best assessment from the Auditor, namely the Doctoral Program in Management Science, Master's Degree in Marine Science, S1 Japanese Literature Study Program and S1 Public Administration Study Program. The RTM participants appreciated this activity as a form of Unsoed's quality culture, while hoping that it would be followed up in the future. The activity closed with the submission of CAR (Request for Corrective Action) from the Chancellor to the deans accompanied by the signing of the document.(lp3m)