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LPDP RISPRO Team Unsoed Holds FGD for BUMDes Data Mapping in Cilacap Regency

[, Tue, 26/04/22] The Innovative and Productive Research Team (RISPRO) LPDP Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (Unsoed) held Focus Group Discussion (FGD) in the context of mapping BUMDes in Cilacap Regency. The FGD was held at the Atrium Premiere Hotel, Cilacap on Thursday (31/03). The FGD involving BUMDes in Cilacap Regency was actually a follow-up to the research being carried out by the RISPRO LPDP Unsoed Team on BUMDes in Cilacap Regency.

The Department of Community and Village Empowerment (Dispermades) of Cilacap Regency welcomed the implementation of this FGD. Dra. Titin Martiningsih (Head of Economic Development, Social Culture and Village Institutions), Drs. Andi Susilo (Self-Help Community for Young People), and M. Fatikhun (Experts) were also present in the FGD.

Dra. Titin Martiningsih as the Head of Economic, Social, Cultural and Institutional Development of Dispermades Village, Cilacap Regency in her speech said that she was very happy with the research and FGD conducted by the LPDP Research and Development Team. According to her, the research conducted by the LPDP RISPRO Team was very helpful for them in assisting BUMDes in Cilacap Regency. In addition to Dispermades representatives, the FGD was also attended by various elements of the community who have close ties to BUMDes, starting from the Village Head and his staff, BPD, Village Facilitators, and Business Representatives who have collaboration with BUMDes.

One of the researchers and the moderator of the FGD, Christina Tri Setyorini SE, M.Sc., Ak., Ph.D. said that the informants who attended the FGD were representatives selected from each element, from BUMDes actors, village heads and their staff, BPD, and village assistants. It was because the essence of the FGD itself was a focused discussion, so it could not involve too many people.

The representatives who attended the FGD came from five different elements of society, namely BUMDes actors, Village Heads and their staff, BPD, Business Representatives who collaborate with BUMDes, and Village Facilitators.

“The purpose of this FGD or focus group is actually to dig more data because yesterday the questionnaire was not too deep, so we deepened it with this FGD technique. And this FGD did not involve many people because it wouldn't be optimal. So, we only invited selected representatives from yesterday who have filled out the questionnaires," concluded Christina Tri Setyorini.
