MBKM Implementation, FEB UNSOED Collaborates with FEB UI
[unsoed.ac.id, Thu, 16/06/22] Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (FEB UNSOED) and Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia (FEB UI), carrying out the signing of the Cooperation (PKS), Tuesday (07/6). The signing, which took place in the Djokosoetono Room, Dean Building, FEB UI Depok Campus, was related to the implementation of the MBKM program policy framework (Free Learning Program-Independent Campus).
Also present was Prof. Wiwiek Rabiatul Adawiyah, Ph.D. (Dean of FEB UNSOED), Istiqomah, Ph.D. (Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni), Teguh Dartanto, Ph.D. (Dean of FEB University of Indonesia), Nanda Ayu Wijayanti, Ph.D. (Vice Dean of FEB UI for Resources, Ventures, and General Administration) Dr. Icuk Rangga Bawono, M.Sc., MH, (Head of PPAK Study Program), Yuniasih Septi Wardhani, SH (General Coordinator), and Meike Kusmawanti, S.Si. (Sub Coordinator of Academic and Student Affairs).
The Dean of FEB UI, Teguh Dartanto, Ph.D. in his speech welcomed the FEB UI Campus to the Dean of FEB UNSOED and his entourage and thanked and appreciated his presence. He hopes that this cooperation meeting can strengthen the relationship and bring quality improvement for all parties.
Prof. Wiwiek Rabiatul Adawiyah, Ph.D as the Dean of FEB UNSOED said that this cooperation agreement had been previously discussed online (zoomed) to be realized in the PKS. "Through the signing of this collaboration, there are all things that are followed up through various kinds of activities which of course are very possible to be realized through the MBKN program or at least we can learn related to the Quality Assurance Pattern," he said.