B-52 Indonesian Senator Award in Literature
[unsoed.ac.id, Wed, 08/06/22] Located in the Hall of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences (FIB) UNSOED, a Cultural oration and the awarding of the Indonesian Senator Award took place B-52 for Literature and Culture, Wednesday (08/6). This event is a series of FIB UNSOED Anniversary. Present were the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs & Alumni, Members of the DPD RI, the Judicial Commission team, the Deans, the Acting Director of Postgraduates, Heads of Institutions, cultural activists, lecturers, students, and invitees.
The Indonesian Senator Award is an award initiated by the Indonesian Senator B-52, Dr. Abdul Kholik SH., M.Si (Member of the Regional Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia). This award is dedicated to anyone, be it individuals, groups, or organizations who have contributed or played a major role for the benefit of the community at large. Giving this award as a form of appreciation is also intended to encourage the growth of attitudes of service to the community or country. The spirit to do good for others, an attitude that upholds professionalism, achievements in various fields, an example that can be a motivation for future generations and society in general. Strengthening the literary tradition of realism in Indonesia by being responsive and critical of the sociocultural problems of rural communities at hand, literature plays a natural role in our lives. The Indonesian Senator Award B-52 for Literature and Culture was given by Dr. Abdul Kholik SH., M. Si to Mr. Ahmad Tohari.
Dean of FIB UNSOED Dra. Roch Widjatini M.Si in his speech expressed his gratitude for the trust given to become the venue for the Banyumas Cultural Organization which was held for the DPD RI Cooperation with UNSOED. "FIB really supports the implementation of this activity and hopefully this cultural award can add views and promotional power to FCS UNSOED", said the Dean. Mr. Ahmad Tohari is a figure who raises and supervises the culture of Banyumas, also often visits FIB in addition to academic activities, he is also a guest lecturer from the Indonesian Literature Study Program. The Dean also said that this year FIB UNSOED has reached 8 years. The achievements of study programs that have achieved A accreditation are more than 70% of the existing study programs.
The Chancellor of UNSOED in his testimony read by the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs & Alumni Dr.Kuat Puji Prayitno, SH., M.Hum said that Mr. Ahmad Tohari, is a figure who is not only a writer or humanist, but also our parents and teachers, whose work is always based on the values of local wisdom. "One of his works that can be said to be magnus opum is Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk, which is able to present the dynamics of people's lives implicitly and explicitly in the 60s era with full simplicity and wisdom," said the Chancellor.
Furthermore, the Chancellor expressed his appreciation to Mr. Abdul Kholik, a Senator or Member of the Regional Representative Council from Central Java Province who happened to be an alumni of the UNSOED Faculty of Law. Of course, as a representative of the community, things that become the breath, blood flow and heartbeat of the community become an inseparable part in carrying out their duties, including in culture. "This Senator Award is certainly a commitment to the advancement of culture, as a form of recognition and appreciation for cultural diversity, by placing the community, including in the region as the owner and cultural activists, as well as being a motivation of placing culture as the direction of development," explained the Rector.
On that occasion, Mr. Ahmad Tohari had the opportunity to deliver a cultural oration.