UNSOED Students Win Silver Medals for Scientific Events in Malaysia
[Unsoed.ac.id, Mon, 27 June 2022] UNSOED students again excel in international scientific events. Novita Hikmatul Guntari, Meli Agustin, and M. Iltizam Rabbani managed to win the Silver Medal at the 2022 World Young Inventors Exhibition at the ITEX'22 activity in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. In this activity, which was held on 26-27 May 2022, the three students presented DE BEST LOF(Degraded Batik Effluents and Tofu Effluents As Liquid Organic Fertilizer) in the activity. These students are guided by the UNSOED Biology Faculty Lecturer, Dr. Ratna Stia Dewi, S.Si., M.Si
The inventions presented by UNSOED students succeeded in attracting the judges. DE BEST OF LOF is a liquid organic fertilizer which is actually made from processing waste from the batik industry. Novita said that this product started with the idea of preventing environmental damage and preserving water and sanitation due to hazardous waste. "This product is obtained through a process of degradation and fermentation by fungal microorganisms," she said. In the manufacture of this product, other organic wastes such as tofu waste are added.
The same thing was expressed by the supervisor, Dr. Ratna Stia Dewi, M.Si revealed that DE BEST OF LOF has been tested in vivo on plants and analyzed in the laboratory to determine its nutrient content. "This product can be a solution in handling pollution due to batik dye textile waste and has a marketing space as a liquid organic fertilizer product that is able to compete in the market," she explained.
This achievement further proves that UNSOED students excel at the international level.