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UNSOED Keroncong Delegation Won 1st Place in Peksimida 2022 STUDENTS

[, Fri, 26/08/22] The Unsoed Delegation at the Regional Indonesian Student Art Week (Peksimida) 2022 Central Java again made another achievement which won 1st place. This time from the Keroncong race. It was Ika Yulia Pangestuti (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences) who won 1st place in the 2022 Keroncong Women's Peksimida, and Septian Arifudin (Technical Faculty) who won 1st place in the 2022 Keroncong Men's Peksimida.

The Keroncong Peksimida 2022 competition took place on August 25, 2022 at the Auditorium of the Sebelas Maret University. It was recorded that the female keroncong competition was followed by 17 participants, and the male keroncong 11 participants.

Dr. Tri Wuryaningsih as chairman of the Unsoed Peksimida committee: expressed her gratitude and was very proud of this achievement. "With these achievements, it means that Unsoed is able to compete with all state and private universities in Central Java Province. However, this is not the final achievement, because we still have to fight at the national level,” she said. She conveyed that Unsoed would continue to provide guidance & assistance for all Unsoed delegates in order to achieve optimal results, namely achieving achievements at the national level which of course strongly supports the Higher Education KPI.

The achievements of Ika Yulia Pangestuti, and Septian Arifudin complement the previous success of the Unsoed delegation, which was achieved by Yiyi Fikri Nuriski, 1st place in the Men's Dangdut competition, Peximida Central Java 2022, and Rachel Sinaga, 1st place in the Women's Pop Competition, Peximida Central Java 2022.
