UNSOED Monologue Delegation Wins 1st Place at Central Java Peksimida 2022
[unsoed.ac.id, Mon, 12/09/22] Unsoed students again made achievements in the 2022 Central Java Peksimida competition. In the monologue competition, which took place at Universitas Tidar, Magelang on 10 - 11 September 2022, Muhammad Fadhil who is a student tof the Department of Communication Studies class 2019 won 1st place.
In this monologue competition, Fadhil managed to eliminate 31 other participants. Fadhil, who is also an activist for the Sianak theater from Fisip Unsoed, expressed his gratitude, and happiness, for the achievements. "Hopefully this achievement can be maintained in the upcoming Peksiminas," he said
Dr. Tri Wuryaningsih as a chairperson of the Unsoed Peksimida committee expressed her gratitude and was very proud of this achievement. “Congratulations on the success of Muhammad Fadhil who won 1st place in the PEKSIMIDA monologue competition in Central Java, and will represent UNSOED at the PEKSIMINAS event. For this reason, more intense training & mentoring is needed because contestants who come from all provinces in Indonesia in the event will be harder competitors," she said.