[unsoed.ac.id, Sel, 08/06/21] Jenderal Sudirman University (Unsoed) held a university-level National University Debating Championship (NUDC) in 2021, Tuesday (08/6). The activity was carried out online and took place in the Meeting Room on the 1st Floor of the Unsoed Rectorate.
NUDC is a program of the National Achievement Center of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. This activity is one way to find talented students in the field of language and prepare graduates who are able to make decisions based on logical and factual analysis.
University-level NUDC committee Drs.Rakhmat Priyono ME in his report said that the university-level NUDC was attended by 12 teams consisting of 11 faculty representatives, and 1 from SEF. Of the 12 teams consisting of 32 participants, 24 as debaters, and 8 as adjudicators. "This university level competition is in order to choose the best team that has the right to represent Unsoed to the next level," he explained.
In his opening, the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs & Alumni / WR III Dr.Kuat Puji Prayitno SH., M.Hum said, in the NUDC event, Unsoed had also made achievements at the national level, and hoped this tradition could be continued. “The university is ready to give appreciation to students who make achievements, among others by giving awards, scholarships, awarding nights at the end of the year, and recognition of these achievements”, said WR III. (AD)