[, Wed, 09/06/21] After being inaugurated by the Vice Rector (WR) III for Student Affairs & Alumni, Dr.Kuat Puji Prayitno SH.,M.Hum, by online and offline, Wednesday (09/6), Universitas Jenderal Sudirman (Unsoed) officially has Sudirman Robotic Team Student Activity Unit (UKM). The inauguration of Sudirman Robotic Team for the 2021-2022 period took place in the Meeting Room on the first floor, Unsoed Rectorate.
The supervisor of the Sudirman Robotic Team, Priswanto, ST., M.Eng expressed his gratitude to WR III that due to his support the robotic community was finally formed into Soedirman Robotic Team. We would also like to thank the Student Development Unit for supporting all activities to form this UKM. On this occasion, he also expressed his extraordinary appreciation to students who are members of the robotic community supported by the collaboration of various faculties (Engineering, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, FEB, Agriculture) and all parties who work in the development so that this community becomes an UKM in Unsoed. “This is the beginning of even greater work, to be able to achieve extraordinary achievements, as well as to support the tri dharma of higher education. Robotic technology does not only belong to the Faculty of Engineering, because in its application robotic technology can be applied to all fields,” he explained.
In his speech, Dr.Kuat Puji Prayitno SH.,M.Hum said that this was a special momentum. “With Sudirman Robotic Team, students can be more creative, innovative, and competitive in developing robots, and have national achievements. The student activity unit is expected to contribute to the ranking of Unsoed, through its achievements at the national level,” said WR III.
Sudirman Robotic Team chairman for 2021-2021, Abu Bakar As Shidiq Al Muqayyim said that it was a historic day for the Sudirman Robotic Team family. In addition to being inaugurated by WR III, Sudirman Robotic Team was also officially appointed through the Unsoed Rector's Decree. “Soedirman Robotic Team is a home for Unsoed students who have an interest in technological developments, especially the development of robotics. In this student activity unit there are two main divisions; management division and technical division,” he explained. The Management Division is in charge of the development of the organization and its members, while the technical division focuses on research development in the science of robotics. “The student activity unit tries to develop students' interests and talents as well as their potential both in soft skills and hard skills in an organization. Our main focus is the research, development and education of robotics,” he said. (AD)