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Doctoral Program in Agricultural Sciences Graduated Foreign Student From Columbia

[, Tues, 07/09/21] The Faculty of Agriculture (Faperta) Jenderal Sudirman University (UNSOED) held the 6th open examination for doctoral promotion online through the zoom meeting media, Monday (23/8). On this occasion, Promovendus Diego Mauricio Cano Reinoso, a Foreign Student from Columbia, officially holds a Doctorate degree from Faperta UNSOED after successfully defending his dissertation on an open examination in front of 7 internal examiners and 2 external examiners.

The doctoral promotion open examination was led by the Chair of the Session: Dr. Ir. Anisur Rosyad. MS, Session Secretary : Dr. Ir. Saparso, MP, the Promoter Team consists of: Prof. Ir. Loekas Soesanto, MS, Ph.D. Co-promoter I: Condro Wibowo, S.TP, M.Sc., Ph.D., and Co-Promoter II: Ir. Kharisun, Ph.D. The Examiner Team for this open exam consists of Prof. Dr. Ir. Sakhidin, MP. (Professor Examiner), Dr. Ir. Paul Benyamn Timotiwu, MS (External Examiner from Lampung University), Internal Examiner consists of: Dr. Ir. Nur Prihatiningsih, MS, Dr. Ir Muhammad Rif'an, MP, Dr. Ir. Heru Adi Jatmiko, M.Sc, and Dra. Erminawati, Ph.D.

Promovendus Diego Mauricio Cano Reinoso wrote a dissertation entitled “Management Protection On Quality Determination Of Flesh Translucency And Fruit Collapse Disease On Indonesian MD2 Pineapple” and was declared graduated with a 4.00 GPA, predicate Cumlaude and a study period of 3 years.

Diego Mauricio Cano Reinoso said that the preparation of the dissertation was motivated by the potential of Indonesia, especially the Lampung area as a producer of pineapple (Ananas comosus), the superior pineapple variety is MD2, while the demand to meet the national and export markets continues to increase. "This must be balanced with increased production and quality at the farm level," he said. Constraints faced in pineapple cultivation in Lampung, especially to meet the needs of the canned fruit industry, are diseases that cause damage to fruit morphology and quality. The dissertation being tested aims to identify and evaluate alternative methods of controlling meat translucency and fruit collapse disease in Indonesian MD2 pineapple.

The conclusion of the research carried out was that three alternative methods of controlling meat clarity and two methods of controlling fruit fall disease in Indonesian MD2 pineapple were found. Calcium and silica fertilization technology applied to the leaves in the pre-harvest phase, the application of salicylic acid in the pre- and post-harvest phases. To overcome fruit rot, an eco-environmental approach was used using biopesticides such as Bio P32 (based on Pseudomonas fluorescens) and Bio T10 (based on Trichoderma harzianum).

Scientific publication that was successfully published in the International journal Biodiversity-Q3 entitled: Fruit collapse and heart rot disease in pineapple: Pathogen characterization, ultrastructure infections of plant and cell mechanism resistance. Congratulations to Dr. Diego Mauricio Cano Reinoso, We hope the degree and knowledge obtained can be useful for the agricultural sector in Colombia, it can be used as a reference in the development of agricultural science, especially in the management of tropical fruit Pineapple so that production and quality can be increased so that it can meet the international market’s demands. Become a reference for Pineapple Farmers in the Barlingmascakeb area in controlling pests and diseases on pineapple plants using biological agents and efficient fertilization. [@oktiher]