UNSOED Wins 3 Medals at the 34th PIMNAS
[unsoed.ac.id, Fri, 04/11/21] Three groups of the Student Creative Program (PKM) Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED) won medals at the 34th National Student Scientific Week or PIMNAS at Universitas Sumatera Utara. It was announced virtually on Friday (29/10).
UNSOED won three medals, namely Bronze in the PKMGT-1 Category won by the group leaded by Sutan Reza Fadillah, with members Wahyu Eko Priyatna, and Wahyu Nur Rohman, with the title "Strom Island Ionizers System: Renewable Energy Solutions to Increase Electricity Supply on the Small Islands of Indonesia". Then the group leaded by Nur Hidayanto with Deny Rozaqul Muis, and Firman Bayu Hastama as members in the PKMPI-1 category with the title "Smart Quail Incubator for Smart Farmers".
In addition, in the PKMRE-6 category, the group led by Regata Ringga Hanesa Putry, with Salma Aulia Salsabila, Mochammad Rezky Darmawan, Khoerunnisa, and Haris Raditya Subandrio as members also won Bronze with "Effervescent Chlorella Vulgaris as Superfood Immunostimulant to Prevent Covid -19".
At the 34th PIMNAS which was held on October 25-29 2021, UNSOED succeeded in sending 10 teams, with 3 teams winning medals. On the closing eve of the 34th PIMNAS, attending online were the ranks of officials at the Ministry of Education and Technology, Puspresnas & Belmawa, and the Rectors of PTN/PTS Participants of the 34th PIMNAS throughout Indonesia. Meanwhile, the Head of the National Achievement Center Asep Sukmayadi, S. IP, M.Si and staff, delegates of the 34th PIMNAS jury, Forkopimda of North Sumatra and Medan attended the event offline.