UNSOED Agricultural Technology Learning Building Inaugurated
[unsoed.ac.id, Wed, 19/01/22] The paradigm of higher education is currently undergoing an extraordinary transformation. Campuses are expected to be able to adapt quickly, be responsive to the needs of the community. Not only that, the campus is also expected to prepare graduates as early as possible so that they can be absorbed in industry, business and work. Of course, the campus must also be a comfortable home to inspire ideas, and innovative research works and contribute to improving the quality of people's lives and human values. One of the efforts to prepare for this is to improve the quality of learning facilities and infrastructure, which is in the form of a Learning Building today. This was conveyed by the Chancellor Prof.Dr.Ir Suwarto MS in the inauguration of the Learning Building of the Department of Agricultural Technology, Unsoed Faculty of Agriculture, Wednesday (19/1).
The Chancellor hopes that this additional building will be able to improve the academic atmosphere for the Tridharma more optimally. This facility is also expected to build a climate of student creativity in being creative, especially based on the peculiarities of their knowledge, which in this case is in the field of agricultural technology. "This means that the Unsoed Agricultural Technology academic community will be competing in being creative in the field of agricultural engineering, processing agricultural or food products, including the industrial aspect," concluded the Chancellor.
The inauguration of the building was also attended by the Vice Chancellors, Deans, Deputy Deans of the Faculty of Agriculture, Head of SPI, Heads of Departments, Planning/Supervisor Consultants, and invitees.
Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture Unsoed Dr. Ir. Anisur Rosyad, MS said that this building is the Agricultural Engineering Department Building, which was built in 120 days (20 August – 17 December 2021). Built with a budget of Rp. 2,759,000,000,-. "Hopefully this building will be used as well as possible, especially by the Department of Agricultural Technology, to be able to improve the task of coordinating work in the Department, which can mainly support the achievement of KPI," said the Dean.
The inauguration of the Agricultural Engineering Building was marked by the cutting of the cone-shaped rice or tumpeng by the Chancellor which was given to the Dean of the Unsoed Faculty of Agriculture, the cutting of the ribbon by the Rector and Dean of the Unsoed Faculty of Agriculture and was followed by a review of the building by the Chancellor along with the Vice Chancellors, Deans and invitees.