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Fisip Unsoed & FIsip UB collaborate in strengthening MBKM

[, Wed, 09/02/22] FISIP Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (Unsoed), and FISIP Universitas Brawijaya (UB), Malang establish cooperation, Thursday (03/2). The signing of the cooperation took place at the 3rd Floor Auditorium of the New FISIP Unsoed Dean Building.

The two orange campuses agreed to strengthen partnerships in the MBKM program, student learning exchanges, exchange of teaching and guest lecturers, holding seminars, workshops, research activities, conferences, scientific article writing, peer review and journal publications, as well as community service activities and intellectual property rights. .

The Dean of UB FISIP, Dr. Sholih Muadi after the signing expressed his appreciation and gratitude for the cooperation between FISIP UB and FISIP Unsoed. "Although this was started by an inter-Department of Communications initiative, this collaboration has expanded to other majors in these two campuses," he said.

The Dean of FISIP Unsoed, Dr. Wahyuningrat, is honored by the arrival of a colleague from FISIP UB. "Hopefully after the signing of this cooperation, the activities as agreed upon between FISIP Unsoed and FISIP UB can be technically realized immediately," he explained. In this activity, the Dean of FISIP UB was accompanied by the Deputy Dean I, MBKM Team, Cooperation Team, and the manager of the Communication Science Department of FISIP UB.

After the signing, each department/study program between the two campuses directly discussed with each other, regarding programs that needed to be followed up. One of them is the Department of Communication Science, which is led directly by the head of each department, namely Dr. S. Bekti Istiyanto from FISIP Unsoed, and Rachmat Kriyantono, Ph.D from FISIP UB.

During the discussion, there was a discussion about the experience of organizing MBKM learning activities and the action plans of the two departments, especially in the context of enriching lectures between lecturers, student exchanges, also writing textbooks and collaborative publications.
