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Young Researcher Contribution Program 2022

[, Mon, 21/02/22] Faculty of Economics & Business (FEB) Unsoed, together with the Regional Office of DJPB Central Java Province held a Student Release for the MBKM Program Young Researcher Contribution Study Outcome about Village Fund OUtcome, Thursday (172) Activities with tagline “Kick-Off Program for Young Researchers Contribution 2022”, located at the State Treasury Service Office (KPPN Purwokerto). Also present were the Director General of Treasury (online), the Head of the DJPB Regional Office of Central Java Province, the Regent's Representative for the Regency Banyumas, Head of the UNSOED Research and Community Service Institute, Dean of FEB Unsoed along with the Deputy Deans, Camats, Village Heads (15 Villages) in the Kab. Banyumas, and 39 Research Students.

The Head of the Regional Office of the Directorate General of Treasury of Central Java Province, Mr. Midden Sihombing in his greeting said that Banyumas Regency received an allocation of Village Funds that had been used by 300 villages; in 2021 it would reach 100%. However, according to him, those who made a note on the budget that had been disbursed, which reported 100% of the budget realization, were only 7 villages. "Regarding this, we have initiated and discussed with Unsoed to conduct research on outcame and village studies, implementation of village funds and their measurement methods," he said.

Chairman of the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) Unsoed Prof. Dr. Rifda Naufalin, SP., M.Si conveyed that this activity is closely related to the duties of the Tridharma of Higher Education at the University, both Dharma Research and Dharma service that would be carried out by students. According to Prof. Rifda this is a manifestation of the existence of Higher Education Institutions, namely conducting research in synergy with various stakeholders, both local government, village government, industry and community groups in order to make results of the research truly felt by the community.

The Directorate General of Treasury (DJPB) of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia Hadiyanto in his presentation online via Zoom Meeting conveyed that related to Village Fund Outcomes (Planning, priority scale, advanced programs, community participation) can provide an objective picture of the use of village funds. Then, the next step that needs to be emphasized in the implementation of this research is for students to position themselves as researchers, not as auditors. "Students pay attention to communication ethics and do not burden the village and students can capture outcomes measurably,” he explained.

Then the event continued with the handover of students by the Representative of the Banyumas Regency (Economic and Development Assistant Irwandi) to the Village Head, and ended with a visit to the Windujaya Village Head's Office, Kec. Kedungbanteng Kab. Banyumas by the Head of the Regional Office of the Directorate General of Treasury of Central Java Province and the Team from FEB Unsoed.

As an implementation of the cooperation agreement between the Unsoed Faculty of Economics & Business, and the DJPB Regional Office of Central Java Province, this activity can be a place for students to get real learning, produce young researchers and provide adequate information for investors who will enter the village.
