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Pharmacy UNSOED Takes The Oath of 61 New Pharmacists

[, Sel, 05/04/22] Professionalism is a term that has its own responsibilities. There is a commitment to be serious in demonstrating capacity based on knowledge, skills and morals. The pharmaceutical services provided by pharmacists are essentially practicing their competencies by adhering to ethical and human values. The mandate given actually ignites themselves to always develop themselves by always following the dynamics and scientific developments of health in general, and in particular in the pharmaceutical field. This of course will further hone the qualifications possessed and strengthen self-integrity in carrying out the tasks or work assigned. This was conveyed by the Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Suwarto MS in the Pharmacist Oath Taking Event Batch IX, Pharmacist Professional Education Program (PPPA) Department of Pharmacy FIKes Unsoed, in a Hybrid (offline & online) session which took place in the 2nd Floor Hall of the Unsoed FIKes Dean, Tuesday (05/04/2020).

On that occasion, the Chancellor said, First, to carry out responsibilities as a professional by always adhering to competency standards, professional codes of ethics and statutory rules that have been set. Second, to always be open to new knowledge and experience gained in the work process, because this is part of enriching our skills and wisdom in work. Third,  to always show the best performance wherever you are as part of your track record in your professional career.

Head of the PPPA Pharmacy Study Program FIKes Unsoed Dr.rer.nat Harwoko M.Sc.,Apt in his report said that the number of pharmacists who were sworn in today were 61 students (5 males and 56 females). The graduation predicate is 4 students with "Satisfactory" predicate, 17 students with "Very Satisfactory" predicate, and 40 students with "With Praise". “The 61 new pharmacists, who will be sworn in, have completed the learning process while at PPPA and have successfully passed the Indonesian Pharmacist Competency Examination (UKAI) both the CBT and OSCE methods. PPPA Class IX students who passed UKAI were 94.6%," he said.

The taking of the pharmacist profession oath was led by the Chairman of the National Pharmacy Committee apt.Drs.Bambang Triwara Sp.FRS. In his remarks he proudly congratulated the New Pharmacists, who were sworn in on that day. Sixty-one new pharmacists, who were sworn in to be part of 100 thousand pharmacists in Indonesia. "Pharmacists in Indonesia are currently above 100 thousand," said the Chairman of the National Pharmacy Committee. It was further stated that as a pharmacist, it is required to have a Pharmacist Registration Certificate (STRA) in carrying out practice. STRA submissions are made online. In an effort to accelerate STRA issuance services to pharmacists, the National Pharmacy Committee and the Indonesian Health Workers Council Secretariat have used an electronic STRA issuance application called ESTRA through the application. "The ESTRA application is integrated with PDDikti", he explained.

Meanwhile, the representative of the Central Board of the Indonesian Pharmacists Association (IAI), Apt.M.Iqbal Yulianto MH.,Kes said that the procession of inauguration and taking the pharmacist oath was the most ideal model. The only inauguration and oath-taking stipulated by the regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia involved three stakeholders, namely the government which in this case was represented by KFN, IAI as a professional organization, and universities as representatives of educational institutions. Furthermore, he emphasized the importance of improving pharmacist competence, namely the existence of the IAI Professional organization which is intended to create professional pharmacists so that they can improve the quality of healthy life for every human being. “IAI is currently following the 4.0 technology revolution in providing services for members through the SIAP application. Through this application, pharmacists can register, print membership cards, submit recommendations, apply for recertification, and others," he explained.

On this occasion also occurred the signing of the report on how to hand over pharmacists as health workers to the regional management of the Indonesian Pharmacists Association, and the signing of the report on how to hand over pharmacists as health workers to the Banyumas District Health Office.

Noted as the best graduates in this period were Apt. Dita Pramesti Javani S.Farm (GPA 3.98), Apt. Ardiyanti Annissa' Utami dewi S.Farm (GPA 3.95), and Apt.Euwis Nurhayati S.Farm (GPA). 3.92).
