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Remarkable, UPT UNSOED Library Achieves Accreditation A

 [, Fri, 29/10/21] UPT Universitas Jenderal Soedirman/UNSOED Library achieves accreditation A. This proves that UPT UNSOED Library is capable of continuing to grow and adapt to the times, so it can contribute optimally. The UPT Library accreditation process required quite strenuous preparation. This was conveyed by the Head of the UPT UNSOED Library, Djoko Prasetyo, S.Sos., M.IP. "In the implementation of the accreditation, starting from the process of compiling the accreditation form and collecting physical evidence that supports the key components and indicators, this requires preparation that takes quite a lot of time, energy, and thought," he said.

"But thanks to the tenacity and seriousness of all UPT library staff and of course the support from university leaders, in April 2021 the preparation of the Accreditation Form can be completed and sent to the Indonesian National Library Accreditation Institute in Jakarta, until finally, this month we received an A accreditation certificate," he explained. .

The university library as a unit has the task of providing scientific information services to the academic community and society in general. In library service activities, there are two types of services, namely technical services and user services. In order for library services to be good, library services must be in accordance with standards, promises and expectations, and also the needs of users.

In accordance with the mandate of Law Number 43 of 2007 Chapter III Article 11 concerning Libraries, it is necessary to develop standards to improve the quality of various types of libraries which include collection standards, infrastructure standards, library service standards, library staff standards, management standards, and reinforcement components. To provide an assessment in the accreditation process of UPT Unsoed Library with National Library Standards (SNP) for Higher Education is using the Regulation of the Head of the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia Number 13 of 2017 concerning National Standards for Higher Education Libraries. Components and Key Indicators of Higher Education Library Accreditation assessed are collection components, infrastructure, library services, library staff, implementation and management, as well as strengthening components. This standard has each indicator and component in which have different value weights.
