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snmptn, sbmptn, snmptn2021, Kartu Indonesia Pintar

SNMPTN 2021: Prepare Yourself!

Year 2021 starts with many activities related to students’ admission. There are three (3) models of students’ admission, namely SNMPTN, SBMPTN, and independent university admission. SNMPTN or National Selection of State University Admission has begun since Monday, 4 January 2021. This selection is intended for senior high school students in their senior year in 2021 based on their academic or non-academic achievements as students. “The most important and basic thing for the students who want to apply SNMPTN is they must have LTMPT account to register”, said the secretary of ULT (Integrated Service Unit) Unsoed, Dr. Wisnu Widjanarko, M.Si., MIPR. Account registration will be available on 4 January-8 February 2021, SNMPTN application will be accessible on 15-24 February 2021, and the result will be announced on 22 March 2021.

He explained that schools could register their students at SNMPTN as long as it has NPSN. Schools which get an A in their accreditation can register 40% of their best students, while schools which get a B can register 25 % of their best students. Meanwhile, schools which get a C in their accreditation can only register 5% of their best students. Moreover, those schools need to fill in PDSS (Schools and Students Database). “Students who want to register should have academic or non-academic achievements, NISN (National Student Number), PDSS data, and report score which have been recorded on PDSS”. “For those who want to apply to art and sport major, they have to upload their portfolios”, he added. Wisnu also said that students could choose 2 study programs from one university or two different universities. He also recommended to not choose different interest from their high school interest. “It should be noted that one of two study programs that students choose must be in the same province as their senior high schools. However, students may choose any universities that they want if they only apply to one study program.”, he stated. In addition, students who cannot afford the tuition fee can apply for scholarship KARTU INDONESIA PINTAR KULIAH (Smart Indonesian Card-College). Detailed information related to this scholarship can be accessed on Pusat Layanan Pembiayaan Pendidikan (Education Funding Centre)’s website

The information related to SNMPTN is accessible through official website of LTMPT (National Agency of University Admission) on and call center di 0804-1-450-450. However, the information related to Unsoed admission can be accessed on or by phone 0281-635292 ext. 191 or by email and  (NY)
