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Socialization & FGD of KHDTK Program - Unsoed Education Forest

[, Kam, 14/09/23] The Unsoed Business Management Agency or Badan Pengelola Usaha (BPU) held a socialization activity as well as a Focus Group Discussion regarding activity programs and infrastructure in the Special Purpose Forest Area (KHDTK) - Educational Forest, Thursday (14/9). The event took place at KHDTK Unsoed, Karangjengkol Village, Kutasari District, Purbalingga, Central Java. It was attended by the Rector and Vice Rectors, Chairman & Secretary of the Senate, Deans, Heads of Institutions, Head of SPI, Police Chief, Danramil, representatives of Kutasari District, Karangjengkol Village Head, Perhutani, and invitees.

The location of the KHDTK - UNSOED Education Forest is administratively in Karangjengkol Village, Kutasari District, Purbalingga, Central Java, covering an area of 100 ha. The vision in the management of the KHDTK - Education Forest Integrated Agriculture - Forestry Learning Center is “To become the best education forest in Indonesia as a medium for implementing the Tri Dharma of International Standard Universities for Sustainable Forest Management Based on Local Wisdom.

Head of Unsoed BPU Dr. Adi Indrayanto, S.E., M.Sc. said this activity was in order to carry out one of the tasks that had been assigned to Unsoed through the Minister of Environment and Forestry Decree No. SK. 125/MENLHK/SETJEN/PLA.0/2/2023 related to KHDTK - Education Forest. “Unsoed is authorized to carry out special development in the Karangjengkol Purbalingga area. One of these tasks is how to build a master plan/ big plan from the management of 100 ha given to Unsoed,” he said. The Head of BPU hopes that the input and support from all parties will be much more optimal or much more meaningful for the development of Unsoed KHDTK.

The activity was opened by the Rector of Unsoed Prof. Dr. Ir. Akhmad Sodiq M.Sc., Agr., IPU. The rector hopes that with this activity there is togetherness between Unsoed and regional stakeholders to optimize what has been mandated to Unsoed, namely KHDTK. In addition, the Rector also hopes that a joint curriculum will be formulated from what is formulated through this workshop activity, then link it to the existing curriculum in each study program. “The existence of KHDTK is a reinforcement of Unsoed’s vision as a center for rural resource development and local wisdom,” explained the Rector.

The Head of Karangjengkol Purbalingga Village, Mrs. Sutirah, expressed her gratitude for the implementation of this activity because later the ideals of the Karangjengkol Village community will be realized. “This is proven today, hopefully it will become a reality. Hopefully the KHDTK from Unsoed will add insight, especially to increase the economy in Karangjengkol,” hoped the Head of the village.

The main event was an FGD, including suggestions and opinions related to the management of 3 management blocks, named SDH Management, Management of Tridhrama University Services, and Business Management. The event ended with planting coffee seedlings by the Rector and other leaders