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Talk Show on Prevention & Handling of Sexual Violence in Universities

[, Wed, 13/07/22] With the theme of “Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence in Higher Education”, Guidance & Counseling (BK) Unsoed held the third talk show series, Tuesday (12/7). The activity was held thanks to good cooperation between the Unsoed BK Team and several parties, including the Unsoed LPTSI, the Zoom facility from the Unsoed BAK, the Unsoed Faculty Guidance and Counseling Team. Also Advocacy and Student Welfare (Adkesma) BEM General Sudirman University and BEM Faculties Unsoed, Gender Space Unsoed and Islamic Spiritual Activity Unit (UKKI).

The talk show presented 3 (three) speakers, Dr. Tri Wuryaningsih, M.Si (Vice Dean III FISIP Unsoed) who is competent in assisting social problems; Dr. Riris Ardhanariswari, SH, MH Head of the PPGAPM-LPPM Violence Service and Complaints Unit (ULPK), and Mrs. Rahmawati Wulansari, S.Psi., as Unsoed BK Psychologist.

Head of BK Unsoed Prof. Dr.Ir Datta Dewi Purwantini MS said that the theme of Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence in Higher Education was discussing about Sexual Violence in Higher Education, related to the issuance of Unsoed Chancellor Regulation Number 38 of 2021. Concerning the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence in Higher Education Unsoed. "In this case, BK Unsoed seeks to participate in the socialization of the Unsoed Chancellor's Regulation," she said.

Currently, there may be many academics, students, lecturers and staff who do not understand the definition, handling and prevention of sexual violence, which is actually happening around us, without us realizing it. “Based on this background, BK as a friend of students, tries to participate in providing socialization and interactive discussion opportunities through this talk show, with resource persons who are very competent in preventing, assisting, protecting and advocating victims of sexual violence. For this reason, it is hoped that the participation of the audience in this interactive discussion, in order to understand about sexual violence so that solutions will be obtained for prevention and handling, "she explained.

Furthermore, it is said that BK Unsoed is here to accompany students in an effort to improve achievement and help develop academic potential and student personality, so that they can complete their studies on time and have a positive character. Also to help students solve academic and non-academic problems.

The event was opened by the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs & Alumni / WR III Dr. Norman Arie Prayogo S.Pi.,M.Si. In his speech, he stated that constitutionally higher education is expected to be one of the instruments in realizing the potential development of students to become individuals with noble character. In this context, the campus must become a constructive space and time in shaping a civilized personality and character, which is manifested in attitudes and behaviors that do not shift from the values ​​and norms that apply in society, including in this case in terms of decency. We must ensure that the campus is a safe place and protect it from any attempts of such evil.

"For that, learning, strengthening governance, and strengthening a culture that respects and upholds moral values ​​on campus are non-negotiable things that we have to do and guard their implementation. We must also make mitigation efforts, in the form of assistance, protection and recovery for victims, as well as enforcement of applicable rules and regulations so that no one dares to play with this problem,” said WR III.

In the talk show it was explained that according to WHO (2017) Sexual violence is defined as any sexual act, attempt to perform sexual acts, comments or suggestions for unintentional sexual behavior or vice versa, an act of violation to have sexual intercourse by force against someone.

According to the Rector's Regulation No. 38 of 2021, Sexual Violence is any act of degrading, insulting, harassing, and/or attacking the body, and/or reproductive function of a person, due to inequality in power relations and/or gender, which results in or can result in psychological and/or physical suffering including that interferes with a person's reproductive health and loses the opportunity to carry out higher education safely and optimally.

It also describes the factors that cause sexual violence, including loss of consent culture, patriarchal control & gender inequality, negative societal stigma, unclear rules, and victim blaming.

As for prevention by Universities (Permendikbud 30/2021), Universities are required to prevent sexual violence through learning; strengthening governance; strengthening the culture of the student community, education & education staff.
