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UNSOED Accepts 179 Students from Independent Student Exchange Program 2

[, Mon, 15/08/22] The Independent Student Exchange Program (PMM) 2 is essentially a national friendship that reflects the precepts of 3 of Pancasila, namely the Unity of Indonesia. Indonesian students must have a national identity in the global era. Indonesian students must be intellectually intelligent, sensitive to human values, and always based on a sense of love for the homeland, with Pancasila, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and the 1945 Constitution as identities and perspectives in society, nation and state. This was conveyed by the Chancellor of Unsoed Prof.Dr.Ir Akhmad Sodiq M.Sc.,Agr in the release of outbound students and acceptance of inbound Unsoed students in the Odd Semester of the 2022/2023 Academic Year which took place in the Roedhiro FEB Unsoed building, Monday (15/8).

On that occasion, the Chancellor advised students who took part in this program, to: First, optimize the mastery of science and technology because it is a provision to work in the future and Second, optimize interaction with the environment and culture where they are now, because it is a provision for society in the future.

“PMM students must have a spirit of resilience or unyielding spirit, so that they can always see from a positive and constructive perspective, instead of being negative, counterproductive and even destructive. Adaptation, Tolerance and Communication will be a means to enable oneself to live it, and this is actually a pillar in facing a disruptive era characterized by VUCA – Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity”, concluded the Chancellor.

PMM 2 Program Coordinator Unsoed Ir.Suprayogi M.Sc.,Ph.D said that the PMM 2 Program is a program from the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology through the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs with budget support from the Education Fund Management Agency (LPDP). Students in this program will participate in one semester: the Odd Semester for the Academic Year 2022/2023.

“The purpose of this program is to provide students throughout Indonesia with a provision of understanding as future leaders of the NKRI. With the understanding gained by students during the PMM 2 Program, and through direct learning activities, students are expected to be wise in responding and able to develop tolerance and mutual respect when faced with differences of opinion, religion, ethnicity, race, culture, customs or perhaps political ideology. In the end, a sense of one nation, one homeland, grew within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia,” he said.

Furthermore, Ir.Suprayogi M.Sc.,Ph.D explained that the PMM 2 program was carried out offline and was attended by students from various universities in Indonesia who were grouped into two clusters. “A total of 49 Unsoed students took part in the PMM 2 program in approximately 22 universities spread outside Java, from Aceh to Merauke. And we accept as many as 179 students from various universities outside Java and will study at UNSOED in 24 undergraduate study programs”, he explained.

In the PMM 2 program, students are required to attend lectures in the destination study program, a minimum of 16 credits, including the Nusantara Module course. "The Nusantara Module material is about introducing local culture and inspirational figures in the destination university area and students of the PMM 2 Program are required to carry out independent social activities," he concluded.

Present were the Vice Chancellors, the Chair of the Learning Development & Quality Assurance Institute, the Deans, the Head of the Academic & Student Affairs Bureau, the Study Program Coordinators, the Unsoed Independent Student Exchange Team and the Nusantara Module Lecturers.
