UNSOED Collaborates with Mitra FM in Disseminating SNMPTN 2022
[unsoed.ac.id, Mon, 07/02/22] The start of the new student admissions process made Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (Unsoed) committed to providing information about the 2022 State University admission selection. This time, Unsoed conducted a Socialization of the 2022 State University Entrance Selection, through the Mitra FM Special Talkshow program "Socialization of the SNMPTN, UTBK, and SBMPTN 2022".
Starting the socialization activity, the Head of the Academic and Student Affairs Bureau, Dra Krisnhoe Maya Wulandari, MM revealed that through this activity, it was hoped that the new student admissions activities, especially the SNMPTN process, which had already started, could run smoothly. She revealed that the selection was carried out by the Higher Education Entrance Test Institute (LTMPT). Schools that can participate in SNMPTN are SMA/MA/SMK that have NPSN.
"Schools must also fill in the PDSS where the data, that is only eligible according to the provisions, can be filled in ," explained Mrs. Maya. Meanwhile, students who participate in SNMPN are grade 12 students in 2022 who have excellent achievements, have NISN and are registered in PDSS, have report cards for semesters 1 to 5 which have been filled in PDSS. "Each student can choose two study programs from one PTN or two PTN, if they choose two study programs, one study program must be in the same province as the original SMA/MA/SMK, but if they only choose one study program, they can choose a PTN located in any province," she explained.
In addition to providing information about the SNMPTN, it was also conveyed about the UTBK-SBMPTN 2022. LTMPT account registration starts on February 14 – March 17, 2022 with registration on March 23 – April 15 2022. In the talk show a number of questions were raised, including those related to PDSS technicality, registration, and various other technical matters.
Complete information about the selection of new students can be accessed on the page: ltmpt.ac.id