Unsoed Delegation Won Gold Medal at IYBC 2023
[unsoed.ac.id, Fri, 07/04/23] An outstanding achievement was presented by students of Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (Unsoed) at the international level. This time it the students showed their achievement at the International Youth Business Competition (IYBC) 2023. The team consisted of Agung Prasetyo (Management, 2021), Uut Ela Triana (Food Technology, 2020), Jalalludin (Animal Husbandry, 2020) and Aqilah Rahma A. (Food Technology, 2021) and they won the Gold Medal in the Business Information category. The four members of this team are also members of UKMPR (Kegiatan Mahasiswa Penalaran dan Riset) Unsoed, a students organization focusing on research.
Agung said that IYBC was a competition in the business sector, which was held by the Indonesian Young Scientist Association (IYSA). The competition was joined by 64 teams from 6 countries, namely Vietnam, Korea, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia. There were a number of categories at OYBC, namely Economic Research, Business Informatics, International Business, Bank & Financial Management, Entrepreneurship, Management & Marketing.
“This competition aims to hone skills in exploring business innovation in these 6 categories. This achievement was achieved as proof that Unsoed students are able to compete with international students so that they can motivate Unsoed students to dare to make achievements on the international stage,” he said.
The team come up with the idea of “Belajarin.id: Tutor Finder Application.” Agung said that this application was designed to accommodate friends who want to become tutors, a kind of tutoring for elementary, middle, and high school students who want private or group of tutoring. “By using this application, users can choose their own tutor,” he explained.
In this online competition, the process began with submitting papers on March 19, 2023, then continued with a 15 minutes-presentation on April 3, 2023, consisting of 7 minutes for presentation and 8 minutes for questions and answer sesion. Meanwhile, the result was announced on April 5, 2023.