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UNSOED Lecturer Took Part in the SAME Program at the University of Maryland USA

[, Wed, 06/10/21] One of the lecturers at Jenderal Soedirman / Unsoed University had the opportunity to take part in a program from the Ministry of Education and Culture, namely Scheme for Academic Mobility and Exchange (SAME). Dr. Condro Wibowo who is a lecturer in the Food Science and Technology Study Program at the Faculty of Agriculture had the opportunity to participate in this program.

The SAME (Scheme for Academic Mobility and Exchange) program is intended to facilitate lecturers in developing research skills that have been started since taking the Doctoral program, updating teaching materials and learning methods in accordance with the latest developments in the world of international education, guiding doctoral students (Ph.D. joint supervision) for Indonesian lecturers who are continuing their studies abroad in double degree cooperation, strengthening and increasing the network of double degree Master and Doctoral cooperation, conducting joint research and writing joint scientific papers. The SAME program was also developed in order to bring in Professors/Guest Research Lecturers from overseas PT/Research Institutes to collaborate in research and teaching activities at Universities in Indonesia. The duration of activities in the SAME program is 3 (three) months.

Dr. Condro Wibowo felt grateful for the opportunity to participate in the SAME program at the University of Maryland, USA. The activity will start from October to December 2021. This activity is competitive in nature, offered by Dikti to all eligible lecturers and an evaluation is carried out, followed by an interview. There were 15 people who passed to several countries such as Germany, France, Japan, Korea, America, Italy and so on. “During this activity, I will collaborate with Prof. Dr.C. Wei, who is the Dean of the College of Agriculture & Natural Resources, University of Maryland, United States of America,” he said.

The University of Maryland is one of the leading universities in America, as well as in the world. In America, it is in the top 20, while the world ranking is always in the top 100. "The activities that I will do, the main goal is to improve the quality / capability as a lecturer (scientific writing, preparation of international grant proposals, benchmarking of the educational process at major universities), and also the initiation of collaboration not only personally but institutionally", he said. Dr. Condro said that in general he had received a lot of good support from Prof. Dr. C. Wei (Dean at the University of Maryland), the Indonesian Consulate General in New York, and the Agricultural Attache in Washington. It is hoped that through this activity there will be wider collaboration not only with the University of Maryland but also with various other institutions in the United States.
