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Unsoed Students Join the MSIB Internship Program at PT. Petrokimia Gresik

[, Tue, 26/04/22] The Independent Learning Independent Campus Program (MBKM) that was launched two semesters ago by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology was welcomed enthusiastically by the entire academic community of Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (Unsoed). One form of MBKM Learning Activities (BKP) that Unsoed students are interested in is the Internship and Independent Study Program (MSIB). A number of Unsoed students in the semester of 2021-2022 have the opportunity to take part in internships in various companies and agencies, one of which is at PT. Petrokimia Gresik which is located in Gresik, East Java.

Starting from the opportunity offered by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia through the Merdeka Campus Internship platform, four students are successfully accepted as internships at PT. Petrokimia Gresik after going through administrative selection, written test, and interview. These students are Hendra, Annisa Islamiati and Ilham Filsa Satria Nugroho (Agrotechnology Study Program class 2019) and Maliatun Hasanah (Electrical Engineering Study Program class 2019).

The students carry out an internship program for one semester starting from February to August 2022 at one of the largest fertilizer companies in Southeast Asia. The students undergo activities with a focus on different fields of study, such as Hendra who is  actively participating in a series of intern activities in the field of Biology Research including conducting exploration research on microbes that degrade chemical pesticides, Ilham Filsa Satria Nugroho is involved in intern activities in the field of Chemical & Soil Research focusing on the innovation research on Liquid Organic Fertilizer (POC) capsules, Annisa Islamiati with the study area of ​​Fertilizer Research is focusing on organic fertilizer research (manufacturing, formulation, quality testing, and effectiveness testing in greenhouses and on land), and Maliatun Hasanah is in the field of Factory Reliability studies & Electrical Interconnection which focuses on Monitoring SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) and exploring the electrical science applied at PT. Petrokimia Gresik. In addition to exploring the field of study, students are also involved in other research processes and various operational activities supporting the company in their respective work units.

In addition to activities that focus on company-based learning, students also take advantage of various facilities in their respective work units to be able to align the converted courses with internship activities, with a flexible implementation mechanism following the schedule for conducting research in the main field of study.

One of the Agrotechnology students, Hendra said that he was very happy to join this internship program because the Merdeka Campus Internship Program at PT. Petrokimia Gresik has a different learning atmosphere from lectures, such as knowing and studying various industry-based activities and implementing theories that have been obtained from college, as well as various research innovations that have renewable value, namely microbes that are degrading pesticide contamination. Students also have the opportunity to get to know new teammates from other universities so that they can build networks, learn to adapt to the work environment, and hone hard skills and soft skills so that they are more competitive when entering the world of work later.

In this internship program, students get the facilitation of pocket money and accommodation costs from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, Technology, and Higher Education. Students also have the opportunity to get direct guidance from company representative mentors and field supervisors. The forms of assistance are the preparation of work schedules, implementation of daily activities, targets and outputs of internship activities, compilation of log books, and reporting on the MBKM platform. The minister, Nadiem Makarim hopes to send students off-campus activities for at least 2 semesters to create a balanced academic atmosphere between theory and implementation in the world of work so as to create competent and highly competitive graduates in the future. [ohr]
