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UNSOED Welcomes BKSAP- DPR RI in an Official Visit

[, Fri, 02/09/22] We are currently entering an era where synergy and collaboration with various stakeholders is a prerequisite for growth and development. It takes an independent way of thinking, forward-oriented attitude, as well as global insight, as a means to empower oneself and develop one's potential.

This, of course, requires the support from all parties, including the parliamentary institution, which is a representative institution of the people. The DPR, in this case, through the Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Agency (BKSAP), would be able to facilitate opportunities for international collaboration, especially for students. Besides, the BKSAP- DPR RI could also provide opportunities for students to do internships in parliamentary institutions on the Independent Learning, Independent Campus platform. This was conveyed by the Rector, Prof.Dr. Ir Akhmad Sodiq M.Sc.,Agr, in his remarks at the official visit of the Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Agency - DPR RI.

The Rector hopes that the students can know, understand, and explore more the world of parliament in terms of cooperation between legislative institutions. "Students can learn how the dynamics of soft power from the dimensions of education and culture can become instruments in international communication, once again within the framework of national interests", the Rector hoped.

BKSAP – DPR RI, Dr.H Mardani Ali Sera M.Eng (Vice Chairperson of BKSAP/II), Ir.H Achmad Hafisz Tohir (Vice Chairperson of BKSAP/XI), and Puteri Anetta Komarudin B.Com (Member of BKSAP) were present in this official visit. From Unsoed the Vice Rectors, Deans, and students also attended in this event.

In the event entitled BKSAP SDG'S Day "Optimizing Parliamentary Soft Power Diplomacy through the World of Education and Cultural Exchange". Dr.H Mardani Ali Sera M.Eng said that the Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Agency (BKSAP) is one of the Assembly Councils (AKD) which acts as the focal point or spearhead of parliamentary diplomacy (DPR). Parliamentary diplomacy has a strong basis in the Indonesian constitution and is a form of diplomacy according to the times.

"Parliamentary diplomacy, as the name implies, is carried out by parliament (in the context of Indonesia, it means DPR RI) with the aim of strengthening diplomatic efforts carried out by the government," he explained.

According to Mardani Ali Sera, Parliamentary Diplomacy has several advantages, namely flexibility, having parliaments like other countries, and people to people (directness). The scope of Parliamentary Diplomacy includes Bilateral, Regional, International, and Individual Diplomacy. The DPR RI through BKSAP participates in diplomatic efforts in supporting the government's foreign policy to achieve national interests. The variety of BKSAP Parliamentary Diplomacy includes economic diplomacy, environment, democracy, inclusiveness, peace & humanity and sovereignty

Regarding the inclusive diplomacy for education, it was conveyed that the results of research / university research become input for parliament. Parliament receives input in the form of research results / research as strengthening the duties of parliament (legislation, budget, supervision, diplomacy). "Research / research results can be voiced in various regional / international forums as breakthroughs / innovations for various global problems," he said.