Every academic year, from August to September, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman accepts students for diploma, undergraduate (regular and international classes), professional education, and postgraduate (master and doctoral) levels.
For the regular class of undergraduate program, the selection is held through national admission and independent admission. National admission consists of the National Selection of State University Admission (SNMPTN) which is based on academic achievement during studies at middle schools and Joint Admission Selection of State University (SBMPTN) which is based on written tests. Registration through the national selection is carried out online through the page www.ltmpt.ac.id. In addition to the two selection patterns, the university's undergraduate admission test is also carried out through the Independent Admission (SPMB-Mandiri), which the registration is carried out online via https: //spmb.unsoed.ac.id
The admission tests for diploma, undergraduate (international class), professional education, and postgraduate programs are carried out by the university through the Independent Admission Selection (SPMB-Mandiri), which registration is carried out online via https: //spmb.unsoed.ac.id.