Community service is one of the main tasks of higher education in the series of tri dharma perguruan tinggi (three pillars of higher education). Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED) is fully aware that universitiy is not an ivory tower that is far from the community. Instead, it is a water tower that can provide benefits to the surrounding community. On its implementation, community service is an inseparable part of research and teaching and it involves UNSOED’s academic community. Through community service, UNSOED is present in the midst of society, including collaborating with foreign students and lecturers to work together.
Through Institute of Research and Community Service (LPPM), Universitas Jenderal Soedirman carries out community service with the support of a national scheme as well as funds sourced from DIPA BLU UNSOED. It is expected that UNSOED's participation through various community service programs can encourage the realization of a prosperous independent village.