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Development Direction

Arah Pengembangan

Unsoed’s Milestone in 2022

Creating Unsoed which can give contribution as a basic to develop the institution, so that it can be recognized by the world as the centre of rural resources and local wisdom.

Universitas Jenderal Soedirman’s Strategic Objectives

  1. Improving access, quality, and relevance of learning in accordance with KKNI curriculum and the era of the industrial revolution 4.0.
  2. Increasing the quantity and quality of national leading research and innovation for rural resource development.
  3. Increasing the quantity and quality of scientific publications and the acquisition of IPRs.
  4. Increasing the quantity and quality of rural community empowerment programs and technology transfer which are relevant to the needs of rural communities.
  5. Increasing the quantity and quality of synergistic cooperation with stakeholders.
  6. Increasing the independence of institutions, especially in the aspects of finance and academic freedom.
  7. Creating an effective and efficient governance for qualified academic atmosphere and learning process towards a world class university.

Universitas Jenderal Soedirman’s Development Goals

  1. The increase of efficiency, effectiveness, and productivity of learning in accordance with KKNI curriculum and the industrial era 4.0
  2. The increase of the quantity, quality, and competence of graduates.
  3. The increase of the quantity and quality of research and scientific publications.
  4. The increase of quantity and quality of innovation, Appropriate Technology (TTG), and acquisition of IPR.
  5. The increase of the quantity and quality of community empowerment programs and technology transfer for rural communities in the industrial era. 4.0.
  6. The increase of synergy with stakeholders to achieve qualified institution.
  7. The increase of independence of institution, especially in financial management and academic activities.
  8. The realization of effective, efficient, and capable university staff.

Strategy for Achieving Strategic Planning (Renstra) 2019-2022

  1. Strengthening the adaptive learning process with the era of the industrial revolution 4.0.
  2. Establishment of a center of excellence in science, technology and social (IPTEKS) to solve rural problems.
  3. Increasing the quantity and quality of research and scientific publications.
  4. Strengthening community service and local resources.
  5. Strengthening institutional capacity
  6. Increasing human resource capacity