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Faculty and Postgraduate

Faculty and Pascasarjana


Unsoed has 12 (twelve) faculties that organize monodisciplinary programs at the academic and professional education levels and one multidisciplinary postgraduate program at the academic education level. The twelve faculties consist of:

  1. Faculty of Agriculture
  2. Faculty of Biology
  3. Faculty of Economics & Business
  4. Faculty of Animal Husbandry
  5. Faculty of Law
  6. Faculty of Social & Political Sciences
  7. Faculty of Medicine
  8. Faculty of Engineering
  9. Faculty of Health Sciences
  10. Faculty of Humanities
  11. Faculty of Mathematics & Natural Sciences
  12. Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science

Meanwhile, the Postgraduate Program provides multidisciplinary education, namely Environmental Science, Agricultural Extension, Agricultural Biotechnology and Agribusiness.