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FEB UNSOED Held PMW X Pemira Festival 2021

[, Tue, 07/12/21] UNSOED Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) held the 2021 PMW X Pemira Festival. The activity lasted for two day (3 – 4 December 2021) at the FEB UNSOED Integrated Lab. The theme raised is "Build innovative young preneur with new spirit and creativity to develop your business".

The PMW Festival is one of the programs implemented to provide facilities and assistance for FEB UNSOED students, in entrepreneurship and forming entrepreneurial characters with the aim of increasing the entrepreneurial spirit of FEB UNSOED students. The series of activities carried out at the PMW X Pemira Festival 2021 are Expo (a forum for students to increase product sales), workshops (increasing student skills in the field of entrepreneurship), Talkshow (a forum for students to dialogue and discuss entrepreneurship topics), and also Awarding (giving awards for selected students of business owners).

In the talk show, Rini Widianingsih SE.,M.Acc.,Ak,CA (Lecturer of FEB UNSOED) presented the material "Take your business to the next level with good financial management". Irfan Bahtiar (Founder of @infopurwokerto social media enthusiast) with the material "Scale Up your business with creative branding and photo product". Rian Arfiana (campus archery owner, 2nd place KMI 2021) presented the title "How to start business from business competition". Meanwhile, Cipto Subroto (CEO of CV Cengkir Gading) presented "How to develop your to be bigger and sustainable".
