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Closing Ceremony PHP2D EFEC FEB UNSOED in Sunyalangu Village

[, Tue, 28/12/21] EFEC PHP2D Team, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UNSOED held the closing ceremony for PHP2D 2021 at the Sunyalangu Village Hall, Karanglewas Banyumas, Tuesday (21/12). The activity took place at 10:00 which was attended by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Faculty of Economics and Business, Yudha Aryo Sudibyo, SE, M.Sc., Ak., Ph.D, CA., assistant lecturer for PHP2D EFEC FEB UNSOED Arif Andri Wibowo, SE , ME

The activity was enlivened by the MSME Bazaar in Sunyalangu Village, dance performances by SASMI FEB UNSOED, and the kentongan of Sunyalangu Village. Sunyalangu local food producers including Sonya coffee products are promoted at the MSME Bazaar to increase the marketing of local products from Sunyalangu Village.

"In the current era to advance the village, it is necessary to collaborate with many parties. The campus, the private sector, the government, and many others so that each other synergizes to build Sunyalangu Village." said Yudha, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs FEB UNSOED. He added that on the other hand, in developing agro-tourism there are many things that must be prepared such as local products like Songa Sunyalangu coffee, palm sugar and many other products that are elements of agro-tourism itself.

The Closing Ceremony event is part of the last series of PHP2D activities, although later there will be continuation of PHP2D post-program. Sunyalangu Village is also a guided village of the Faculty of Economics and Business UNSOED so that the PHP2D program in Sunyalangu Village is sustainable and independent.
