UNSOED Chancellor Inaugurates Vice Deans of Three Faculties
[unsoed.ac.id, Wed, 27/10/21] The Rector of Universitas Jenderal Soedirman / Unsoed inaugurated new officials within Unsoed, namely the Vice Deans of the Faculty Economics & Business, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, and Faculty of Law on Wednesday (27/10). The inauguration took place in the 1st floor Meeting Room, Rectorate Building, Unsoed.
The Vice Deans in the Faculty of Economics & Business, namely:
- Vice Dean for Academic Affairs : Yudha Aryo Sudibyo, SE, M.Sc., Ph.D.
- Vice Dean for General & Finance : Dr. Ratno Purnomo, SE, M.Sc.
- Vice Dean for Student Affairs & Alumni : Istiqomah, SE, M.Sc., Ph.D.
The Vice Deans in the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, namely:
- Vice Dean for Academic Affairs : Novie Andri Setianto, S.Pt., M.Sc., Ph.D.
- VIce Dean for General Affairs & Finance : Mochamad Sugiarto, S.Pt., MM, Ph.D.
- Vice Dean for Student Affairs & Alumni : Dr. Ir. Agustinah Setyaningrum, MP
The Vice Deans in the Faculty of Law, namely:
- Vice Dean for Academic Affairs : Dr. Tedi Sudrajat, SH, MH
- Vice Dean for General Affairs & Finance : Dr. Kadar Pamuji, SH, MH
- Vice Dean for Student Affairs & Alumni : Dr. Kartono, SH, MH
The Rector, Prof.Dr.Ir Suwarto MS, in his speech said that the current paradigm shift in higher education implementation actually requires us as university managers to be more introspective and able to measure steps in a measurable and planned manner. This is reflected in how we produce graduates who are adaptive to the needs of society, industry, business, and work. It can also be seen from how we produce researches that are recognized in academic circles as well as becoming practical solutions that can be downstreamed. "It is also reflected in the extent to which we facilitate students to grow and develop flexibly through the Independent Learning-Independent Campus Program (MBKM)," said the Rector.
Furthermore, the Rector said that academic leadership is a necessity in enabling universities to perform optimally. "Therefore, the newly inaugurated vice deans are expected to become one unit to move simultaneously and work continuously," the Rector hoped. The Dean and the Vice Deans are a unit that absolutely synergize and collaborate, to provide benefits for students, institutions, and other beneficiaries.
On that occasion the Rector also entrusted a message to the vice deans, to be upright with the existing rules, to build intensive interaction and communication with faculty leaders, with fellow vice deans and also elements of the units under them such as departments, study programs, sections, laboratories, and the administration. The Rector also expressed his gratitude for the extraordinary work of previous officials, which of course has contributed to the achievement of faculty and university performance.