15 Students Participate in Pilmapres Unsoed Level
[unsoed.ac.id, Tue, 11/04/23] A total of 15 outstanding students from each faculty took part in the 2023 university-level Outstanding Student Award (Pemilihan Mahasiswa Berprestasi/Pilmapres), which was held for two days on Tuesday and Wednesday (11-12/4) in the rectorate building of Unsoed. Those fifteen students are outstanding students who have been selected at the faculty level. They consisted of 12 undergraduate students and three students from the Diploma level.
The chief of the committee of Pilmapres Dr.dr. Tri Wuryaningsih, M.Si. In her report said that Pilmapres event is a routine event which is held annually, It starts at the university level, regional level, and up to the national level. Pilmapres aims to facilitate student creativity through intra-curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular activities. This activity also aims to increase the number of students’ creative ideas for development originating from campus. “In this Pilmapres event, there are three major components that are assessed: Excellent Achievements (all achievements, competitions awards, organizational careers, humanitarian projects), Creative Ideas, and English Skills,” she explained.
The Rector of Unsoed in his written remarks, which was read by the Head of the Academic and Student Affairs Bureau, Dra. Krisnhoe Maya Wulandari, M.M, stated that one form of transformation of higher education in Indonesia today is preparing graduates who are productive, adaptive to the dynamics of the future, ready to become global citizens as well as having a national spirit. “These four things can only be gained through a comprehensive process, combining the quality of academic intellectuals, as well as developing the potential for interests, talents, and reasoning capacity and self-management,” said the Rector.
The Rector further said that this Pilmapres was a means to hone the achievement capacities needed in the future. “The achievements that you have achieved now, of course, can be an example that will inspire other students. Therefore, Unsoed will always have prestigious talents, the talents that always make their alma mater proud, the potentials that even before graduation, will be able to contribute for the betterment of this country,” said the Rector.