“AL-IHYA” USMAN UNSOED Won 3rd Place at the Java-wide Islamic Arts Olympiad
[unsoed.ac.id, Wed, 19/02/22] Islamic Arts and Al-Qur'an Student Activity Unit (USMAN) Unsoed managed to make a proud achievement. This time, the VII Islamic Arts Olympiad in Java, the Hadroh Banjari category, was organized by UKM PIQSI UIN Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto. This event was held on January 13 to 14, 2022, with categories of Hadroh, MTQ, MHQ, Da'i Da'iyah, and calligraphy.
USMAN Unsoed sent a hadroh group "AL-IHYA" consisting of 10 students, namely Roma Irmawan (A1D020059), Rizki Zakaria Alfarizi (H1D020015), Muchammad Shidiq Hidayat (B1A0120052), Faqih Fadillah (C1B021055), Yanuar Yusuf Ansorulloh (D1A021178) (C1C021039), Salma Ayu Maulina Rokhman (B1A021041), Ummu Khabibah (F1B021040), Lidhya Salsabila Veronica (C1C00755), Ika Yulia Pangestuti (K1A020007) .
Hadroh itself is one of the Islamic arts which until now is still the most attractive for all people, especially with the presence of Habaib in the community, which ultimately makes the community and students to love sholawat to the Great Prophet Muhammad SAW.
Representative from USMAN Unsoed, M. Bagus Rifky ST, said that this achievement was really beyond expectations, because of course it was still in the pandemic era which was quite difficult to gather students. However, armed with the enthusiasm of the children, Alhamdulillah we managed to get an achievement, even though we only had 4 days of training, a very short time, because usually it takes days or even weeks of practice.
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“Alhamdulillah, here we managed to bring home the 3rd place. Thanks to the prayers and support of the lecturers, masyayikh, hababib, kyai, wasilah blessing, and also all elements that truly love USMAN Unsoed. We can achieve all this of course because of our sincere love for the Prophet Muhammad SAW. However, with this victory we should not be satisfied, from this competition there are still many shortcomings found that we must train continuously, and there are still many roads that must be passed in the future, "he said.