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Carreer Development Laboratory of FEB Alumni Center Held a Sharing Session

Career Development Laboratory of the Unsoed Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Alumni Center held a Sharing Session, Saturday (10/4). With the theme “Personal Finance for Early Career”, this activity was carried out through Zoom Meeting.

The speaker at this sharing session was Ascaryan Rafida, M.Sc., Ak., CA., a lecturer and alumnus of FEB Unsoed. He started his presentation with a discussion on how to “identify aims of life”, which discusses the purpose of life. Then, the second is about how to “plan it details” (life and finance), which discusses our life plans. The third is about “what rich people do?” which discusses some values about how rich people think and how they perceive money. Then, the last one is the “financial hack” which discusses the existing perceptions among the Indonesian people.

Based on Ascaryan's research in 2020 which took data from 50% of big cities and 50% of small cities, it was found that there are five main problems in Indonesian people's finances, which are debt, saving, investment, money management, and planning. “We can start anywhere, as long as we try our best, know our potential and how to start, especially in terms of finance,” he said.

The first step that must be taken regarding finance is to check the financial condition such as whether our balance sheet and income are still in balance. “It must be reviewed periodically because if we don't do a review then we don't know our financial condition is good or problematic,” he explained. Second, we must know our life goals. Then, a positive social environment is very important because this has a big impact on our life. Finally, the importance of charity is also emphasized.

After the speaker finished delivering his presentation, a question and answer session was held. The participants seemed very enthusiastic in asking several questions related to investment, emergency money, and long-term finance.

Push forward, never give up! (AD)