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Central Java Provincial Government Gives MBKM Thematic KKN Student Awards

[, Wed, 08/12/21] Students participating in MBKM Thematic Real Work Lecture (KKN) (Merdeka Learn Merdeka Campus) from The Aquaculture Study Program, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK), Universitas Jenderal Soedirman received an award from the Department of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Central Java Province for its participation in the success of the Mina Padi System Development activity in Central Java for the Banyumas Regency area of ​​25 hectares.

The participation of students in these activities began with the launch of the MBKM Thematic Community Service Program "Building Villages" by the Aquaculture Study Program, FPIK Unsoed. This program is one of five (5) MBKM activities which in the odd semester of 2021/2022 were carried out by the Aquaculture Study Program. In the MBKM Thematic KKN program, students are required to stay at the KKN location for a minimum of 16 weeks for an equivalent of 20 credits. During this time, students carry out various activities according to the theme of KKN and their final project.

The Penembangan Village, Cilongok District is one of the fostered villages of FPIK Unsoed. Therefore, this village has become a place for the implementation of the MBKM Community Service Program which carries the theme "Commodity Diversification and Independent Feed Development Towards Mina Panembangan Village". The KKN work program in this village was then synchronized with the Mina Padi System Development activities in Central Java for the Banyumas Regency area. In practice, students carry out various activities to support the success of Mina Padi Development activities as well as efforts to improve cultivation techniques, independent manufacture feed and diversify cultivated commodities.

Head of the Department of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Central Java Province, Ir. Fendiawan Tiskiantoro, M.Si revealed that this award is a form of appreciation for the participation and activity of the MBKM Thematic KKN participants in the success of the Mina Padi System Development Activities in Central Java for the Banyumas Regency area. "Of course I am very supportive and happy with the Thematic Community Service Program in Penembangan. First, KKN is a place to gain experience and learn to develop what has been obtained so far. Second, it's also good that there is real participation from younger students in helping the Mina Padi Program such as installing information boards, other activities related to feeding, seeding and also how Mina Padi can be implemented properly. This is very good because there is a link and match between the college and the field,” he said.

Furthermore, the Dean of FPIK Unsoed, Dr. Ir. H. Isdy Sulistyo, DEA expressed his hope that there will be more MBKM activities from FPIK Unsoed which can be a means of connecting partnerships for universities and various institutions including community groups in an effort to develop the potential of each region. “Alhamdulillah, the thematic KKN MBKM Aquaculture Study Program, FPIK Unsoed, can be carried out well in Panembangan village in the form of the Mina Padi program implementation which also happens to be supported by the Mina Padi System Development activity from the Marine and Fisheries Service of Central Java Province. Hopefully, in the future there will be more similar MBKM activities that are beneficial for students and the community.
