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Fakultas Pertanian Adakan International guest lecture

[, Fri, 15/01/21] Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman / Faperta UNSOED held an International Guest Lecture on 23 and 30 December 2020. Guest lectures were held online due to the Covid-19 pandemic condition. The guest lecture was delivered by Prof. Pan Wei Hwa, a lecturer from the National Yunlin University of Science and Technology (Yuntech), Taiwan. On the first day, the theme was “Paradigm shift: International Supply Chain Management under the Pandemic Uncertainty” and on the second day, the theme was “The Development of Agricultural Industry in Taiwan: The Difficulties, & Responsive Strategies for Future”.

Prof. Pan Wei Hwa obtained his Ph.D. from Brimingham University, UK. He is also Director of Center of Extension Education, International Business Management Program at National Yunlin University of Science and Technology (Yuntech) Taiwan. His research interests is in the field of International Business Management/Emerging Market Analysis/Economic Management, and he has published more than 60 journal articles.

The event was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Dr. Ir. Anisur Rosyad, M.S. The Dean expressed his gratitude to the speakers and all students and lecturers who participated in the guest lecture. The participants were students of the Undergraduate Study Program of Agrotechnology, Undergraduate and Postgraduate Study Program of Agribusiness, Undergraduate Study Program of Agricultural Engineering, Undergraduate Study Program of Food Technology, and lecturers of the Faculty of Agriculture, Unsoed.

At the first meeting, Prof. Pan presented the latest updates on the current trend of world supply chain developments. According to him, there are 3 ultimate goals for companies to adopt supply chain management, namely increasing customer satisfaction, minimizing internal company costs, and optimizing company business processes. At the second meeting, Prof. Pan explained about the added value of products to make them more valuable with aesthetic appearance, food safety certificates, cutting-edge technology, and company experience.

Budi Dharmawan, S.P., M.Si., Ph.D. as moderator and member of the Unsoed Faculty of Agriculture’s Foreign Cooperation (KLN) team, hopes that the guest lecture will provide new knowledge for Unsoed Faculty of Agriculture students. “The collaboration between National Yunlin University of Science and Technology (Yuntech) and the Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman can be further developed, especially for academic activities and sustainable collaborative research,” he said.

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